Luna Specs

Initiate Mage
Sep 11, 2016
Reaction score

What would you recommend for testing only. I don't wanna purchase a big VPS just for testing.
I decided to play with my old files and source folder.

Basic Spec looking to purchase now runs;

CPU: four cores

Intel® Xeon® E5-2620v3 or E5-2630v4 processor


300 GB disk space (100% SSD)

I understand the maps can crash, if my spec's are not high enough. It's been awhile since I've taken free time to mess with my files. Surely my laptop is not cutting it, without crashing after 2 maps are running. Especially Alker Habor....

Any recommendations?
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If you're running luna classic server, 16gb of ram is fine if you want to run all maps. If luna plus, I think 20gb of ram if you want to run all luna plus maps. If you're just testing and don't want to upgrade your ram, why not close the maps that you don't plan to go to atm? Just run the maps that you want to use and close other maps. That wont make your map servers crash. If they crash with only a few maps running, then there might've been an error that occurred in the map server. Check the logs
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