Mail Problem

Apr 29, 2006
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Hello,i wanted to open my WOW server used search and succesed less than 30 mins ;) everything fine,but 1 problem at Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,it say "An activation has been sent to your email" but i dont recive any =/ i tryed to activate smtp service from php.ini(restarted apache) nothing.I have a special program for mails,nothing =/.The email isnt arive,u know how to do :D or atleast where is the query with "insert into account values (...... banned .... blocked) didnt found looked in lots of file =/
thank you.
Website : v2_rev27
ummm... yea.

Best thing to do is to turn off the email feature. I'm not sure if you have this for your websites forums or not. You're post isn't clear. But no emails should be necessary for your WoW server or the website to run.

If you havn't turned on your SMTP protocols properly in windows Admin panel as a system feature, OR if you have that port blocked on your firewall then no emails would be sent by your PC. Again... it isn't a feature that should be required by the website. If it is, get another one, or go ask for support about this feature on the fourms that are owned by the websites authors.
ty very much solved this,but now i have another error =/,well actually everything work perfect ,but i get this error on some pages =/ i dont think is normal.
cristy_abaddon - Mail Problem - RaGEZONE Forums