major death bug in mangos

i go and attack a dude he hits me for 200 damage 5 times i use a pot gain some life i take in 2 more hits. i get wasted. then i go to release my lifeless ugly body. i see the pitfull body warp to a grave yard. but i dont turn into a ghost. i get dced like 20 secs later i come back. im ded with 100% hp and i cant res. then i dc like 10 times more. and i cant res back to my ugly life of suffering

want more details then that?
SDB 0.5.4_81+MaNGOS v3083+Honor+MCH1.5c.rar

why did u ask if spirit healers work. that has nothing to do with my bug.

when u die u warp to grave yard. and u dont turn into a ghost like u shuold. then 20 sec later u dc then when u relog u have full helath in ghost form. but ur not in ghost however it says ur still ded
then releod your database , that has never happened to me
in fact it has never happened to me in any of my databases in mangos not even in old ones of 2700+ which is when i started
so i say delete mangos db and load up a new one or get a amber repack >> 50 megs and voila u have a ready built server i think the only thing u need to change is the ip in realmd

3220+ amber
u want to perfrom this glitch ok ill tell u

have liek 2+ more mobs kill u. and release.

im using thrashmans newest repack. this bug is on all mangos server.

btw that link dont work'

here is the log to my player that gets this (also this bug happens to everyone on my server)

2007-02-19 00:19:12 Save Basic value of player Memo is:
2007-02-19 00:19:12 HP is: 455 MP is: 0
2007-02-19 00:19:12 AGILITY is: 57.000000 STRENGTH is: 33.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 INTELLECT is: 28.000000 SPIRIT is: 29.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 STAMINA is: 36.000000 SPIRIT is: 29.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Armor is: 114.000000 Block is: 2.080000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 HolyRes is: 0.000000 FireRes is: 0.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 NatureRes is: 0.000000 FrostRes is: 0.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ShadowRes is: 0.000000 ArcaneRes is: 0.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 MIN_DAMAGE is: 16.571428 MAX_DAMAGE is: 16.571428
2007-02-19 00:19:12 MIN_OFFHAND_DAMAGE is: 16.571428 MAX_OFFHAND_DAMAGE is: 16.571428
2007-02-19 00:19:12 MIN_RANGED_DAMAGE is: 16.714285 MAX_RANGED_DAMAGE is: 16.714285
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ATTACK_TIME is: 2000 RANGE_ATTACK_TIME is: 2000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 _ApplyAllItemMods start.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Add Ranged mindam: 7.500000, now is: 20.500000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Add Ranged mindam: 10.000000, now is: 34.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: attacker flags are 0x4000, victim flags 0x0
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: invoked due to spell id 7470 (triggered)
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Effect : 6
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Aura is: 29
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura: construct Spellid : 7470, Aura : 29 Duration : -1 Target : 1.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is in use
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: attacker flags are 0x4000, victim flags 0x0
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: invoked due to spell id 7475 (triggered)
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Effect : 6
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Aura is: 29
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura: construct Spellid : 7475, Aura : 29 Duration : -1 Target : 1.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is in use
2007-02-19 00:19:12 _ApplyAllItemMods complete.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is remove
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is remove
2007-02-19 00:19:13 SESSION: Sent SMSG_LOGOUT_COMPLETE Message
2007-02-19 00:19:13 Grid[12,33] on map 0 moved to IDLE state
2007-02-19 00:19:13 Grid[12,34] on map 0 moved to IDLE state

i didnt choose to logout either
u want to perfrom this glitch ok ill tell u

have liek 2+ more mobs kill u. and release.

im using thrashmans newest repack. this bug is on all mangos server.

btw that link dont work'

here is the log to my player that gets this (also this bug happens to everyone on my server)

2007-02-19 00:19:12 Save Basic value of player Memo is:
2007-02-19 00:19:12 HP is: 455 MP is: 0
2007-02-19 00:19:12 AGILITY is: 57.000000 STRENGTH is: 33.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 INTELLECT is: 28.000000 SPIRIT is: 29.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 STAMINA is: 36.000000 SPIRIT is: 29.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Armor is: 114.000000 Block is: 2.080000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 HolyRes is: 0.000000 FireRes is: 0.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 NatureRes is: 0.000000 FrostRes is: 0.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ShadowRes is: 0.000000 ArcaneRes is: 0.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 MIN_DAMAGE is: 16.571428 MAX_DAMAGE is: 16.571428
2007-02-19 00:19:12 MIN_OFFHAND_DAMAGE is: 16.571428 MAX_OFFHAND_DAMAGE is: 16.571428
2007-02-19 00:19:12 MIN_RANGED_DAMAGE is: 16.714285 MAX_RANGED_DAMAGE is: 16.714285
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ATTACK_TIME is: 2000 RANGE_ATTACK_TIME is: 2000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 _ApplyAllItemMods start.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Add Ranged mindam: 7.500000, now is: 20.500000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Add Ranged mindam: 10.000000, now is: 34.000000
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: attacker flags are 0x4000, victim flags 0x0
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: invoked due to spell id 7470 (triggered)
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Effect : 6
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Aura is: 29
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura: construct Spellid : 7470, Aura : 29 Duration : -1 Target : 1.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is in use
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: attacker flags are 0x4000, victim flags 0x0
2007-02-19 00:19:12 ProcDamageAndSpell: invoked due to spell id 7475 (triggered)
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Effect : 6
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Spell: Aura is: 29
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura: construct Spellid : 7475, Aura : 29 Duration : -1 Target : 1.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is in use
2007-02-19 00:19:12 _ApplyAllItemMods complete.
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is remove
2007-02-19 00:19:12 Aura 29 now is remove
2007-02-19 00:19:13 SESSION: Sent SMSG_LOGOUT_COMPLETE Message
2007-02-19 00:19:13 Grid[12,33] on map 0 moved to IDLE state
2007-02-19 00:19:13 Grid[12,34] on map 0 moved to IDLE state

i didnt choose to logout either

Dude, don't even start with the "this bug is all over magos" Seriously, don't...

You need to rebuid your server, and use the updated rev's and db's.
I've had this problem before too, and that was avery long time ago.

It's not mangos, it's you. Resetup your server, and then come back on here and try and say that again..
Trashmans repack I would not know about as I never use repacks, but im telling you as a FACT, this is not a major mangos issue, as they would of addressed it asap!

And incase you are wondering, i've been using mangos for a while, and i've had tons of server, and this bug was only on the older revs.

So before you start stating that this is a mangos issue, try looking into your own server setup.
i used 4 version of mangos trying to get rid of this bug and im now using one thats not even 12 hrs old. and its still there. soo shh. i provided all teh proof for them to fix so quiet

Then you are quite simply doing something wrong, or it's on your client side.
So you stfu, if you want to start on me fair enough man, i'll have some fun;)

But as far as mangos goes, this bug is not known with any mangos server myself, or anyone i know of has used..
Nah man My Servers Perfect........... well almost bahahahah just a few summoning bugs but meh.... who ever plays warlocks.......

Yer onto topic i have never come across this error/bug when doing my servers..... it may because of the database program you are using..... Navicat or w/e is shiat.... Use SQYLog...... :P Spirit Healer must be Fucking Up ;)

Im pissed so soz if i dont make sense... mehhhh....
the bug has nothing to do with any npcs. its only ur char and the death stance it uses. its not going into the full ghost form. where u see the icon. ill screen it when it happens again.

what version of wow do u guys use

1.12.1 or 1.12.2?

i use the the standard thing it came with. navicat doent effect it. i just know a way to connect to it that most ppl dont think of.

whenu run the wow servers using start.bat then u goto navicat u in put ur info and for the name u use root and pw is mangos and u can use navicat on the diskw sql stuff.

this bug seems to happen at random times. if u read the log i added here it clearly states the use being dced. but i cant read that all the way. if there was a source then i can have a buddy fix this bug ez. cuz me and him built a really crazy stable rose server.
I use:-
Client: 1.12.1
Revision 3220 + ScriptDev2 Revision 26 + Honor0.70 + Jail win32 By Albatror

I don't use repacks, as i build up the server myself with Sqlyog.
Maybe Navicat is doing something wrong when your importing your databse..

What todo:-
Redownload your db/core
Install sqlyog
Delete all server files apart from: maps/dbc
Extract core file sinto your server folder
Run sqlyog and dump the current mangos/realmd databases
Make new ones.
Import into mangos the new db
Import the realmd.sql file which comes with the core "realmd template"
Import any accounts you have
Setup your mangosd/realmd conf files.

And run.

Also, try a clean install of your wow client, or delete your wdb/wtf folders.
also i dunno when this was fixed or if it was ever. but every spell including casting teims ones all say instant cast

What do you mean?
When your casting spells that are suppose to channel, they don't?

If thats the case, then it's todo with your server setup indeed.
But more info is needed on that issue man.
resinate - major death bug in mangos - RaGEZONE Forums

i died in the cave and this is what happens...10 secs later disconnect

i cleared my WDB folder
i updated the sql files.

could it be my operation system like in wow emu.

i read the logs on this the bug is caused cuz its removing 3 auras and then i dc

what r the links to the server files u use

i used ur new repack thingy it works but the cpu usage on it is thro the roof. compared to thrashes. nothing is compacted.
