Making Own e-mail server

Experienced Elementalist
Jun 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hi. I found a free software called squirrelmail
This is their site SquirrelMail - Webmail for Nuts!

I am quiet confuse about the installing of php + apache. I am using a software that install both apache2.2 and php 5 together. I dont know it will work ornot.

Another question is what is IMAP?? I hope someone can help me with it.

I am making it for my school. Thanks
I known what is IMAP and now i can connect to my mail page. Now the problem is i dont know how to make IMAP work. I downloaded imap.tar. and extract it. It is just a normal file without install

Does anyone know how to configure to make IMAP work?
Erm.. I know that i need a IMAP in order to run the server. But what is exim for? is exim needed to run IMAP? sorry for asking some nonsense question be cause i am noob at these software thingy.