making self admin/gm?

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
how would you go about doing this in mangos?
I have the command list but it says for most of them that they are not a command like when i try to add an item do you put.Add |then put the item number here | or would i put it in bracketts, or something??

I setup my TBC server lastnight works on 2.0.6 working offline till i have figured out everything.

thanks :)
If your gmlevel is set to 3 than you're a GM and you'll have access to all the commands. Type .commands when you're on to see a list of, for the most part, working commands with your version. They tend to change from version to version. For my 2.0.10 server, I type ".additem idnumber" to create items.
GMLevel: table account in realmd db. there gmlevel. 3 is admin

items: look into your item_template. there are all items available on your servers.
or when your server is in the dos box just type
setgm <Name> <level>
setgm DarkChas 3

i would come a admin =]

3- admin
2-Global mod
1- Mod