Making your own items

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hey all, I know its been asked before but i cant seem to find a thread that explains exactly how to create my own items in mangos.

Can anyone assist me pls?
you know you didn't have to add it in, you can use Adonisus without it hurting you (at least I am) just do .lookup adonisus and then .additem with the item code. Currently I have a level 255 warrior dual wielding that and the twin blades of azzinoth (an artifact GM item). Looks pretty sweet when you take the twin blades apart, but for some reason them joined together is like a tiny little dagger. Hmm, oh well.
you know you didn't have to add it in, you can use Adonisus without it hurting you (at least I am) just do .lookup adonisus and then .additem with the item code. Currently I have a level 255 warrior dual wielding that and the twin blades of azzinoth (an artifact GM item). Looks pretty sweet when you take the twin blades apart, but for some reason them joined together is like a tiny little dagger. Hmm, oh well.

no no im trying to EDIT it so it has more damage instead of the normal range
Make sure that, after changing the max damage (or any value, for that matter...) on a weapon, you restart your server. Also, item ID 23068 is actually this: :P
Make sure that, after changing the max damage (or any value, for that matter...) on a weapon, you restart your server. Also, item ID 23068 is actually this: :P

I change it in note pad save it then start the server make the item number something wacky like abc123 and still doesnt work still spawns as the reg game stats =( change it in notepad? o_@ You need to change it in your database... lol, that's why it's not spawning properly. Oh, and you can only use integers in the ID column, so don't try changing it to abc123 :P change it in notepad? o_@ You need to change it in your database... lol, that's why it's not spawning properly. Oh, and you can only use integers in the ID column, so don't try changing it to abc123 :P

How do I do that with SQLyog ???\


yay i got a 1 million damage short sword! ^_^