Mana Stone Help

Junior Spellweaver
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
Here if you like to play around

Blank Mana Stones Tiers

ID #
20285x - 20 Tier
285x - 19 Tier
258x - 18 Tier


everything Tier 20

60 + views NO LIKES .... damn HARD place to help anyone who only THINK of them selfs ....
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I haven't played this game in years now. Last time I played was on private server and they had extra zones and custom stuff... wonder if that server is still up. (had quite few friends there)

What's new here?

From looks about 6.4.2 thread, ROM still gets quite lots of drama queen moments... :)
60 + views NO LIKES .... damn HARD place to help anyone who only THINK of them selfs ....

I dont want sound to harsh nor offense you, but c'mon. THIS is really nothing special since you just need to open up Item Preview 2, and everything over there is a simple spawn via give command.

Personally i advice you to play around with the SQL scripts from Drewww . These are very helpful and you can send your chars ready manastones with stats via ingame post.

For example: execute this in Management studio with your ingame char name
/* Please give back to this community, submit something to the forum that you learn or make or design which others can benifit from. Don't just Take Take. The community needs Programmers to make tools or scripts to make it easier to manage our Test Servers People my be willing to share new Files if you put some effort back in to showing that you deserve it. This code you have now has taken months of work and many sleepless nights to learn and design, it is not perfect but works as intended, I submit it as free to return thanks to the community for making the current server files avilable If you have new Bin's/Lua's/Database files please share with me.*/USE [ROM_ImportDB]DECLARE @ToPlayer NVARCHAR ( 50 );SET @ToPlayer = N'playernamehere'; -- < This is where you edit the name of the player to mail to >------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you define the Value Attributes for the EQ being mailed ---------------------- Exceeding the range will produce non game spec results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @EQMainDura int; SET @EQMainDura = 200; -- Valid Range 0-200DECLARE @EQPlus int; SET @EQPlus = 6; -- Valid Range 0-20DECLARE @EQRareity int; SET @EQRareity = 0; -- Valid Range 0-7DECLARE @EQTier int; SET @EQTier = 9; -- Valid Range 1-20DECLARE @EQWepTier int; SET @EQWepTier = 5; -- Valid Range 1-20DECLARE @EQRuneSlots int; SET @EQRuneSlots = 0; -- Valid Range 0-4 (Notice: Keep this Value at Zero. This value adds runes slots, so if item has 4 runes and this value is 4 then item will have 8 slots. This is not good)DECLARE @EQBaseTier int; SET @EQBaseTier = 3; -- Check the base Tier of your item in game, if it is T4 then change make @EQBaseTier = 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @EQDurable int; SET @EQDurable = @EQMainDura * 100;DECLARE @EQBinaryString VARCHAR ( 32 ); SET @EQBinaryString = '';DECLARE @EQWepBinString VARCHAR ( 32 ); SET @EQWepBinString = '';----- This Adds the EQ's Base Tier to your Desired Tier -----set @EQTier = @EQTier + @EQBaseTier;set @EQWepTier = @EQWepTier + @EQBaseTier;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQMainDura String -----------------------declare @intvalue int;set @intvalue = @EQMainDura;declare @vsresult1 varchar ( 8 ); -- length of the binary stringdeclare @inti int;select @inti = 8, @vsresult1 = ''; --< change this number toowhile @inti > 0 begin select @vsresult1 = convert ( char ( 1 ), @intvalue % 2 ) + @vsresult1; select @intvalue = convert ( int, ( @intvalue / 2 ) ), @inti = @inti - 1; end---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQPlus String -------------------------set @intvalue = @EQPlus;declare @vsresult3 varchar ( 5 ); -- length of the binary stringselect @inti = 5, @vsresult3 = ''; --< change this number toowhile @inti > 0 begin select @vsresult3 = convert ( char ( 1 ), @intvalue % 2 ) + @vsresult3; select @intvalue = convert ( int, ( @intvalue / 2 ) ), @inti = @inti - 1; end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQRareity String -----------------------set @intvalue = @EQRareity;declare @vsresult4 varchar ( 3 ); -- length of the binary stringselect @inti = 3, @vsresult4 = ''; --< change this number toowhile @inti > 0 begin select @vsresult4 = convert ( char ( 1 ), @intvalue % 2 ) + @vsresult4; select @intvalue = convert ( int, ( @intvalue / 2 ) ), @inti = @inti - 1; end---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQTier String -------------------------set @intvalue = @EQTier;declare @vsresult5 varchar ( 5 ); -- length of the binary stringselect @inti = 5, @vsresult5 = ''; --< change this number toowhile @inti > 0 begin select @vsresult5 = convert ( char ( 1 ), @intvalue % 2 ) + @vsresult5; select @intvalue = convert ( int, ( @intvalue / 2 ) ), @inti = @inti - 1; end-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQWepTier String ------------------------set @intvalue = @EQWepTier;declare @vsresult7 varchar ( 5 ); -- length of the binary stringselect @inti = 5, @vsresult7 = ''; --< change this number toowhile @inti > 0 begin select @vsresult7 = convert ( char ( 1 ), @intvalue % 2 ) + @vsresult7; select @intvalue = convert ( int, ( @intvalue / 2 ) ), @inti = @inti - 1; end-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQRuneSlots String ----------------------set @intvalue = @EQRuneSlots;declare @vsresult6 varchar ( 3 ); -- length of the binary stringselect @inti = 3, @vsresult6 = ''; --< change this number toowhile @inti > 0 begin select @vsresult6 = convert ( char ( 1 ), @intvalue % 2 ) + @vsresult6; select @intvalue = convert ( int, ( @intvalue / 2 ) ), @inti = @inti - 1; end-------------------------------------------------------------set @EQBinaryString = @EQBinaryString + @vsresult6 + @vsresult3 + @vsresult4 + @vsresult5 + @vsresult1 + @vsresult1;set @EQWepBinString = @EQWepBinString + @vsresult6 + @vsresult3 + @vsresult4 + @vsresult7 + @vsresult1 + @vsresult1;------------ Convert EQBinary String to Decimal -------------DECLARE @EQBinary VARCHAR ( 100 );DECLARE @EQWepBinary VARCHAR ( 100 );SET @EQBinary = @EQBinaryString;SET @EQWepBinary = @EQWepBinString;------------DECLARE @characters CHAR ( 36 ), @eqresult BIGINT, @eqindex SMALLINT, @wepresult BIGINT, @wepindex SMALLINT, @base BIGINT;------------SELECT @characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', @eqresult = 0, @eqindex = 0, @base = 2; WHILE @eqindex < LEN ( @EQBinary )BEGIN SELECT @eqresult = @eqresult + POWER ( @base, @eqindex ) * ( CHARINDEX ( SUBSTRING ( @EQBinary, LEN ( @EQBinary ) - @eqindex, 1 ), @characters ) - 1 ); SET @eqindex = @eqindex + 1; END------------SELECT @characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', @wepresult = 0, @wepindex = 0, @base = 2; WHILE @wepindex < LEN(@EQWepBinary)BEGIN SELECT @wepresult = @wepresult + POWER ( @base, @wepindex ) * ( CHARINDEX ( SUBSTRING ( @EQWepBinary, LEN ( @EQWepBinary ) - @wepindex, 1 ), @characters ) - 1); SET @wepindex = @wepindex + 1;END------------DECLARE @EQExValue INT;DECLARE @WEPExValue INT;------------IF @eqresult > 2147483647 BEGIN SET @eqresult = @eqresult - ( 2147483648 * 2 ); ENDSET @EQExValue = @eqresult;------------IF @wepresult > 2147483647 BEGIN SET @wepresult = @wepresult - ( 2147483648 * 2 ); ENDSET @WEPExValue = @wepresult;-------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @CreateTime INT;SET @CreateTime = DATEDIFF ( s, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', GETUTCDATE ( ) );-------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @MainWep1H BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @MainWep2H BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @RangeWep BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Tally BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @RingA BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @RingB BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Earring1 BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Earring2 BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Necklace BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Belt BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Pants BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Gloves BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Shoulder BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Cape BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Body BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Boots BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Helm BINARY ( 20 );DECLARE @Wings BINARY ( 20 );SET @MainWep2H = 0x122B272FED314A321F32E131455333515B51634E000000000000000000000000;SET @Tally = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000SET @RingA = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000SET @RingB = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Earring1 = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Earring2 = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Necklace = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Belt = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Pants = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Gloves = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Shoulder = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Cape = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Body = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Boots = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Helm = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;SET @Wings = 0x112B262F622FD02F122B272F9450BE506D50DB4E000000000000000000000000;-------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @Serial INT; DECLARE @Random INT; DECLARE @Upper INT; DECLARE @Lower INT;SET @Lower = 1; SET @Upper = 999999999;SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 211659, 1, @EQDurable, @WEPExValue, 211659, @MainWep2H, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 234068, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 234068, @Tally, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 222159, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 222159, @RingA, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 222165, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 222165, @RingB, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 222161, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 222161, @Earring1, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 222163, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 222163, @Earring2, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 222157, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 222157, @Necklace, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223804, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223804, @Belt, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223542, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223542, @Pants, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223541, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223541, @Gloves, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223513, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223513, @Shoulder, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 224734, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 224734, @Cape, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223540, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223540, @Body, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223543, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223543, @Boots, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);SELECT @Random = ROUND ( ( ( @Upper - @Lower - 1 ) * RAND ( ) + @Lower ), 0 ); SET @Serial = @Random; INSERT [dbo].[ImportMail]([WorldID], [ToName], [OrgObjID], [Count], [Durable], [ExValue], [ImageObjectID], [Ability], [Title], [Content], [GmName], [Serial], [CreateTime]) VALUES(1, @ToPlayer, 223515, 1, @EQDurable, @EQExValue, 223515, @Helm, N'Welcome', N'Magical Equipement', N'System', @Serial, @CreateTime);

With this script you get a whole armor with reasonable stats and item tier at level 50 (Cyclops, Shrine of Kaline, Vathos and snakle medusa stuff).

I made some of them for different levels with reasonable stats, f. e. level 20 ventis.

I repeat, this is a script from Drewww, and i modified it for my play experience.
You are probably talking about Arcadia.
The server is still online, and constantly developed.

You are right, downloading client right now... :)


I dont want sound to harsh nor offense you, but c'mon. THIS is really nothing special since you just need to open up Item Preview 2, and everything over there is a simple spawn via give command.

Personally i advice you to play around with the SQL scripts from Drewww . These are very helpful and you can send your chars ready manastones with stats via ingame post.


I still have scripts that back up database and send me daily stuff on my test account. It was fun to do everything through in game mail system. :laugh: :thumbup1:

Is there a good place to get 6.4.2 files? Seems someone is reporting those as soon as they appear?! :scared:
after all you said about what i posted ... And this is not the only post i have done .... if you would have looked help the community...... So do you know how to spawn all the npc in game our how it is done ?? what # is the GM tool for that ? and whats that " Item Preview 2" ??? is that a tool somewhere?
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i explicit mean this post, because working with item preview i think is very basically for runes of magic. Item preview is an addon. it reads the database of the rom client and you have IDs for ALL items in the game.

What you do is:

1) go ingame and open up Item Preview 2
2) search for manastone

then you see a list like

202840: Manastone tier 1
202841: Manastone tier 2
202859: Manastone Tier 20

? give 202847 and you're done.

I think someone who does a private server has the understanding of this. Even i (who is a programming/sql noob) know how to do that. :D


I guess EVERY Runes of Magic player uses this addon (and a lot more).

Maybe we should have a thread for addons that are absolutely needed in this game, for example dungeon loot or Fusion (ok, Fusion is kinda useless on a private server).

Again, i don't wanted to offense you, but this tipp you made was very basic in terms of runes of magic. On the other hand you have to consider that this foruzm isn't very well visited anymore.

I guess this would change earliest if someone releases version 7 or the ominous direct x12 patch ( I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THAT DIRECT X12 PATCH!!).
after all you said about what i posted ... And this is not the only post i have done .... if you would have looked help the community...... So do you know how to spawn all the npc in game our how it is done ?? what # is the GM tool for that ? and whats that " Item Preview 2" ??? is that a tool somewhere?

To spawn monster I used ROM Db that does not exist now for 4-5 years. is second best thing. GM Tools were in 6.0.7 tool folder iirc. As has been already said, check Drewww's posts about mailing your self finished, setup gear. Last time I was involved I was trying to crack binary behind all data in 2-3 fields that covers plussing, dura, and other gear characteristics. Drewww had much better understanding about ti.

BTW, other way to get list of everything in game is to extract it from data files. Everything is in lists, database tables.
thanks Mageoski and SuperFrogster...

Mageoski I dont run a server privately i just run it for myself Runes of magic 4 5 years ago when they changed servers and removed some of them deleted my character of 8 years playing with them i had lots of many rolled into that game .... So i play around with it and try to spawn in whats missing and the maps .. i have the 6.4.3 server files if your looking for them .... let me know either one of you .......

SuperFrogster thanks for the info on spawning npc ... i thought there might have been a tool to do it or a ingame GM item is why i asked , the db side is a pain in the butt , but is possible thanks for thhe info .....
This thread may be old but I had a good laugh at the rant about "what is this item preview 2???". IP2 was like THE ingame item database addon back in the day. It was basically a standard among the other top downloads from Curse. Though "back in the day" means 2009 to 10, maybe 11. Back before Gameforge took over, when +20 was nothing but mere legend and people went shitnuts over +12 gems being implemented.

It's also funny because you ranted at me pointing out how you did not make some things perfectly clear. But yes, Drewww's posts are worth checking out.
IP2 from new release has Give2Me button that makes it even better - no more typing, you get full stack of items. Just other night had fun with Gashas....:)

Wonder what happened to Drewww. I've seen some of this stuff on CoA, either used by them, or he himself might be there... :)

ps. Will give you a like just for reminding me of good ol' days...

Over 11 years ago I was on Reni, first PUG in Forsaken Abbey. I was Mage / Rogue and nobody was over level 25 (1 K/P, 2 R/S and priest iirc) and without plussed or stated gear... that was challenge. :D Until we figured out that communications helps, and we were able to go to last boss and wipe party multiple times. :D

Years later I am still confused if half of party running HOS was color blind for Sydaphix/Mantarick and I still remember horrors of running instances @ level. Later we used to run alts just to work out tactics and communications in guild.

Good old days... :)
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Color Blind on Sydaphex/Mantarick wasn't a big problem back in the days (imho)....but Andaphelmor on the other side was very hard because of the unfortunate color giving by the adds which 6 people had to pull to the doors (or what that was) otherwise instant dead ^^. I think it was yellow and gold which seemingly looking the same ? Can't remember anymore, but it was a thing.

Beside that this were the hightimes of runewaker by making REALLY awesome boss fights. The instances were quite good. Not the garbage that came later from level 80 on. No way to burst bosses down.....The only instance i remember was good after 80 was
Yes, times before rollback, when everyone who bought DIAS at sale price received much less DIAS, which lead to many people issuing bank to cancel transaction and in end leading to mass permanent bans. That was biggest fiasco in online gaming. Frogster made bad choice on how to solve issue of incorrect sale, and instead of acknowledging that they f*up, they wanted to fix it with rollback.

I can't remember what add on we had later for HOS, but it would write color buff you received on screen and chat, so that you know where you need to go.

On CoA we played upgraded hard mode HoS, but that later turned into burn for most of bosses.

Not sure what is OP combination on 6.5.2, last time I played R/M was hitting good, but scouts were far more DPS, iirc.