Mangos 2.0.10 help

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
In my bed with my wife
Mangosd.exe won't start up it just opens then closes before i can read what it says when i double clikc on it heres a screen of my stuff

foreva1 - Mangos 2.0.10 help - RaGEZONE Forums
The table you are showing in navicat is under the YA database.... this isn't anything that WoW is connecting to. You need to show the realmd_bc config... and all of the columns please.
ok my YA database is my wow as you can see i have realmd_bc and mongos_bc in my YA database what should i re-name my Ya database to?
but your config file doesn't point to that. It points to realmd_bc and to mangos_bc which are not part of the "YA" database. They are separate.

I don't think you can have them as a nested database, which is how they seem to be configured right now. I wouldn't even know how to begin to configure mangos to recognize that the two databases were under another DB. They need to be in the first tier as two separate databases.

In other words you can't just rename YA to anything.

Just click on the realmd_bc db that is right above the ya database and edit those settings in that DB. That is the one Mangos is connecting to.
actually they do point to that the mangos thing and realm thing were mistakes there delteted now but if you look under the ya database you will see mangosd and realm d
I don't know how else to explain this to you... THEY CAN'T BE UNDER THE YA DATABASE!!!!!

Again I find my explanations are too long. I honestly don't think anyone reads them.