Mangos 2.0.8 Error

Initiate Mage
Mar 28, 2007
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I try to run the Mangos.exe and it closes after a split second. Realmd stays open though. Problem is it doesn't create a server.log file so I really don't know what to do, and I've been searching the forum for a full day now...
Check the problem like so:
Open command prompt. Type in "cd [directory in which the server is installed]". For example, I would type in "cd C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Desktop\Mangos". Then type in "mangosd.exe".
Don't type the quotes, though. Check any red text to see what the issue is.
Didn't get any red text, I got

DOTCONF++: failed to open file 'C:\Mangos\mangosd.conf ': No such file or directory
Could not find Configuration file mangosd.conf

Which is odd because my Mangos folder does have the mangosd.conf file and it doesn't have the .bak extension.