mangos adding gold

Initiate Mage
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hi i cant figure out how to add gold with mangos. i try the .modify gold 200 or something but it doesnt work can any1 give me an example how to add gold. Thanks
Same problem here.
Just do .additem 18583 and sell. Rinse and repeat.
111g a pop.
keep in mind that the amount you add is in copper, not gold
.money is server specific..

if it doesnt work use .modify gold ######
How do you mean Server specific? Worked for all of the "newer" revs I've tried. Before that it was .modify gold ##.

I also have a money problem. My Counter doesnt work. if i pick up money or do quests it still says 0. so i cant train or buy anything. if i do .modify gold/money amount it still says 0. i tried the .additem 18583 and then selling it. it still says 0 but i can buy stuff then after that but i still cant train cause the counter says 0 so it says i dont have enough money.

Please help to fix the counter....

Delete the wow.exe then do the repair then update back to your version. You have a client issue not a server problem.
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