• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

MaNGOS Burning Crusade Retail Server WITH Patches -- No Rapishare, No Bullshit

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
( . Y . )
This is a re-release, credit goes to the respective creators of original package.

MaNGOS Burning Crusade Retail Server
Mangos tbc Server ~41 MB
Mangos tbc TBCmaps ~240 MB

The Burning Crusade Retail Patches
WoW- ~160 MB
WoW- ~150 MB
WoW- ~3 MB
WoW- ~4 MB

Hosting provided by Dristol
Visit to download everything.

If anyone has created or stumbled upon a more complete database for TBC, please contact me by replying to this thread or in a private message and include the link with the file/forum/website so that I can mirror it on

I hope you enjoy this.

Here is a link to the beta server + clients for those who want it instead of retail.
HI, im a bit new to this.. i want to open this up for my guild on wow to run around in..
i've downloaded and ran "start.bat"..
but thats about as much as i know.. how do i actually get the server up and running..
I have no idea what to do on the phpadmin pages, and on the main page it just says mangos is offline.. any help is appreciated thnx
Drop the map files into the map folder.

Don't bother with the bat files unless you know how to use them.

For LAN w/ Hamachi you can just fire it up by executing realmd.exe and then once it's done loading, execute mangosd.exe

Everything is defaulted to run perfectly on LAN servers.

To run it publicly you will need to modify all the configurations.

Use the website for account creation. Website is loaded up when you run the start.bat file.

Or you can use navicat or sqlyog to manually create the accounts.

Use loopback IP in your realmlist.wtf instead of default.
Loopback is

Visit your website by going to
"localhost" in your browser
It works fine.

So far been running for about a half hour, no errors.

But no flying mounts? I was really looking forward to flying around :(

Yes Steve, it is for v2.0.6. Specifically v2.0.6.6337

thanks for reply.. got it up and running on newest retail BC patch.. crashed when i made night elf no problems with humans..
just gotta figure out how to make accounts GM's and the commands ofc ..

thanks again brilliant pack
Mickeey, to create an account, once mangosd.exe says "Mangos>" type "create <account name> <account pass>" then "setgm <accountname> <gmlevel>

The GM levels are 1, 2, or 3. 3 is the highest level, 1 is normal player level.

I am having a couple problems now. Whenever I try to .worldport, or .recall somewhere, the game crashes, and says this in mangosd.exe:

WORLD: Starting weather system(change per 10 minutes).
thanks .. already changed gm level using the php thingy,
still a bit buggy.. maybe my computer /wow version
but i get crashes if i try and talk to npc's
can't go thru portals either but it's not place to complain after the work put into this :)
Mob problem is on just about all TBC servers. Gonna have to wait until someone does all of the mobs.

It's not really a problem, more of a nobody has set all the spawns.
Why not spend a little time populating the world and share it with the community. Every contribution brings us closer to the desired result.
MANGOS & WoWEmu Commands:
Server Commands & Information ~37 KB

Mangos GM Commands.htm
Own Mounts.txt
