Mangos Design and more Capability with multiple realm

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 2, 2006
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i think and get this result that we can synchronize two mangos DB .

for example server 1 and server 2 have sprated mangos DB and each run mangosd.exe , we can synchronize this two mangos DB every 24 hour ,

by this way players can connect to each DB and have same Character.

and we have software that verify name of character that doesnt duplicate.

for example when player want to play , before he want to create character run this software to chack that the name of his hero was not in the GAME

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hmm.. Why would you want to do this? Is it just incase 1 server goes down, then people can still play on the other server with the exact same characters, and continue where they left off? Sounds pretty good. Good luck on it ^_~