Mangos Error

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2005
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when i click mangos.exe its open me for sec a 2 black windows and then closed them.. when i try open the realmd.log its give me a one black window and then closed it
i try click alot times until i see that it write this..

DCCONF++ failes to open file 'E:/The Server/Mangos/realmd.conf' no such file or directory.
could not find counfigration file realmd.conf.

when i try mangosd.log it do the same thing and write..

DCCONF++ failes to open file 'E:/The Server/Mangos/mangosd.conf' no such file or directory.
could not find counfigration file mangosd.conf.

'E:/The Server/Mangos is the place that i extract
MaNGOS v2.0.10 Server [COMPLETE]
and the files mangosd.conf & realmd.conf are inside this folder..
but thelog files cant recognized them or somthing like that..

then what i can do to fix this?
i folow the guide and did exactly all the things that it say..

(i see somone have a problem like me..
when i try click mangos.exe its give me the same error that he get