Here is a less complex PHP webpack for enthusists...
I have custom designed this wepack myself...
The aim was to make it as close to the official site as possible...
Keeping in mind i dont have months to spend on it..
[to about 4 hours all up to complete tho..]
So it's very much exactly the same as the Bli**ard's BC website...
but only in one compact page to save space and usage issues...
- Burning Crusade WebSkin...
- Latest buttons to link to ur sites...
- Server status + Online Player List...
- Account creation system at the bottom...
- Image Rollover for multiple site banners...
[just drop a bunch of images in /img/banners/]
- Very, very, very aestetic...
Rather simple to setup...
1. Install the SQL_INSTALL_TABLES to the realmDB...
2. Configure the config.php, site.config.php
3. Configure DBInfo the last FIELD in the REALMIST table, with the worldDB login info...
[this is exactly like the config SERVER_ADDRESS;3306;USER;PASS;mangos_bc]
4. Upload to your web server that has PHP enabled...
5. Viola... Now ur user page should be beaatiful..
DOWNLOAD DJRavine's Burning Crusade WebPack:
[MaNGOS] PHP & SQL WebPack Made from v1.12.1 Blizzard's FanKit
Here is a complex PHP webpack for enthusists...
Designed with the FanKit supplied @ Bli**ard.com...
So it's very much exactly the same...
- Flash maps of all of the v1.12.1 world...
- Flash map of player online locations...
- Item search...
- Complete background story of Warcraft...
- Admin fronted to change a few settings... [most are bugged]...
- Very aestetic...
Rather simple to setup...
1. Install the SQL_INSTALL_TABLES to the realmDB...
2. Configure the config.php, /inc/admin/***.site.config.php and realmlist.wtf
3. Configure the last FIELD in the REALMIST table with the worldDB login info...
[this is exactly like the config "SERVER_ADDRESS;3306;USER;PASS;mangos"]
4. Upload to your web server...
5. Viola... Now ur user page should be beaatiful..
DOWNLOAD DJRavine's Mod:
Here is a less complex PHP webpack for enthusists...
I have custom designed this wepack myself...
The aim was to make it as close to the official site as possible...
Keeping in mind i dont have months to spend on it..
[to about 4 hours all up to complete tho..]
So it's very much exactly the same as the Bli**ard's BC website...
but only in one compact page to save space and usage issues...
- Burning Crusade WebSkin...
- Latest buttons to link to ur sites...
- Server status + Online Player List...
- Account creation system at the bottom...
- Image Rollover for multiple site banners...
[just drop a bunch of images in /img/banners/]
- Very, very, very aestetic...
Rather simple to setup...
1. Install the SQL_INSTALL_TABLES to the realmDB...
2. Configure the config.php, site.config.php
3. Configure DBInfo the last FIELD in the REALMIST table, with the worldDB login info...
[this is exactly like the config SERVER_ADDRESS;3306;USER;PASS;mangos_bc]
4. Upload to your web server that has PHP enabled...
5. Viola... Now ur user page should be beaatiful..
DOWNLOAD DJRavine's Burning Crusade WebPack:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
[MaNGOS] PHP & SQL WebPack Made from v1.12.1 Blizzard's FanKit
Here is a complex PHP webpack for enthusists...
Designed with the FanKit supplied @ Bli**ard.com...
So it's very much exactly the same...
- Flash maps of all of the v1.12.1 world...
- Flash map of player online locations...
- Item search...
- Complete background story of Warcraft...
- Admin fronted to change a few settings... [most are bugged]...
- Very aestetic...
Rather simple to setup...
1. Install the SQL_INSTALL_TABLES to the realmDB...
2. Configure the config.php, /inc/admin/***.site.config.php and realmlist.wtf
3. Configure the last FIELD in the REALMIST table with the worldDB login info...
[this is exactly like the config "SERVER_ADDRESS;3306;USER;PASS;mangos"]
4. Upload to your web server...
5. Viola... Now ur user page should be beaatiful..
DOWNLOAD DJRavine's Mod:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
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