Mangos Riding Skill

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
How can I get the Riding skill in Mangos to 300?
I can't find an updated skill id list for BC 2.0.10
Was able to get to 150 through a trainer, but can't go any higher.

snoob - Mangos Riding Skill - RaGEZONE Forums
well... it's a large chance that if you read anything on some wow info site like wowwiki or even blizzards own, you would know that there currently only is two ranks of riding ;)

hm, what would happen if youdid ".learnsk 33392 300" ?
Auto Increase Riding:
Expert Riding - .learn 34090
Artisan Riding - .learn 34091

Manually Increase Riding (After learning click the icon in spellbook):
Expert Riding - .learn 34092
Artisan Riding - .learn 34093

They seem to not be implemented, or working yet though in any of the BC servers. But the manual skills are there, but when you use them nothing happens.
Just to let you know dj executes wow tbc srever has riding working it's easy to setup and works fine blood elfs quests work still need the other new races quests to work but all in all not a bad job plus he makes mini patches when he gets things to work or work better
I don't know why you'd want to do all that... Simply target the player and type:

.learnsk 762 300 300