• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

MaNGOS Server Issues

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
I have a MaNGOS (0.6 according the "version" command) server running on a machine of mine. I have a few questions that I seem not to be able to find the answer to.

1. How can you host multiple realms on different machines? I know how to do this on the same machine, but via trial and error (mostly errors), I can't get the 2nd realm to appear in the realm list of the client. I guess another question (2.5) would be, if hosting multiple realms on the same machine, can each realm use the exact same DB or should you make a DB for each?

2. There were 2 DBs included in the package (Realmd and Mangosd) or variations of those. In the configs, it uses realmd as the login DB and mangosd as the world DB. Both DBs have an account table that use separate data. How, or why is this neccessary to have 2 DBs if when you sign up, the data goes in the Realmd DB and to play on the Realm (World DB/Mangosd) your login data needs to appear there as well. I don't want to have to keep copying the data from Table to Table every so often, or even have it automatic. Can someone shed some light on this for me? If you only need 1, then how can you host multiple reams and have everyone be able to choose what one they want to play on if each realm uses a differnt World DB (mangosd).

3. Mandosd.exe errors (I imagine they are errors since they are red in the cmd promt window) come up all the time
SESSION: recieved unhandled opcode UNKNOWN (0x038c) or 35c or 391

There are others that read CMSG_QUESTGIVER_STATUS_QUERY (0x01582 that appear as well multiple times.

4. Sometimes it says the map is not compatible/outdated and to use the ad.exe (which I have). Does this need to be run using the BC installation, since that is what all the clients I have run?

5. Back to the multiple DB question. Using the MWF (MaNGOS Web Front), the configs (any version) only requires one DB. Do you put the World (Mangosd) or Login (Realmd) DB in that.


Let me know if you need more information.
1. Not sure, never tried, sorry (I'm sure someone will help you out there)
2. The mangos db has a data field that contains useful information about your character, such as stats. The realmd data does not contain information about your actual characters and their skills, just the primary login account.
3. I get that a lot, I'm not sure why the CPU is getting commands it doesn't understand how to process, maybe the guy who compiled mangos had the no execute bit set and your CPU doesn't support that bit, or some other bit that causes your CPU to not understand how to handle/process the instruction.
4. I haven't had that problem, but you may want to make sure that those maps actually work (If you can determine what haps they are complaining about)
5. Not sure, I don't use that :(
On the first question, I can't answer the first one, but I can answer the second part. You can run the same DB for multiple realms on the same computer, so long as you don't plan on customizing the realms (item and/or mob wise). If you are planning on any customization, make a different DB to hold the customized stuff, and have one for the standard stuff.
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