Mangos .setlevel command dosent work

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hello, just so we all have the same information, Im using Mangos 2.0.8, Mysql 5.0.24, SQLyog 5.24, Mangos Database Handler Rev.254.

The problem Im finding is that the commands that are logged in this forum, like .setlevel .add **** **** dosent work with my version of Mango's. I tried .modify $parameter but it dosent do anything. Any ideas?

Rob W.
try .levelup <value>
a negative value should take levels away

ex .levelup 10 should add 10 levels
ex .levelup -10 should make the player lose 10 levels

works for 1.12.1, maybe also for the version your running?

try it
Tried that and still got the:
"There is no such command"
I even typed in .gmon before i tried .levelup #

Do I need to add a .sql file somewhere, I only used what was in fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2[1].0.8_COMPLETE.rar. Do I need to add anything else?
Type .commands and it will tell you all the commands. If .setlevel or .levelup aren't in the list, look for something related.
Hmmmm, I loaded up 1.12.0 with my current database(the db that came with fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2[1].0.8_COMPLETE.rar), broke the DB. So I dropped the DB from my server, recreated mangos_bc and realmd_bc, loaded up 1.12.0, and ran WOW, works, but wont work with BC. BUT I reviewed the command table and the levelup line is there, but wont work when typed in WOW. So tried loading up fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2[1].0.8_COMPLETE.rar, broke. So after all of this, I dropped both of the DB, recreated mangos_bc and realmd_bc, loaded up the .SQL files from fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2[1].0.8_COMPLETE.rar, and now I can get back on WOW BC.

NOW, Which leads me to ask this, other then the obvious, what is the difference with the .sql files in 1.12.0 and whats in fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2[1].0.8_COMPLETE.rar other then it can read BC maps and items?

As far as what Toasty said, from what I saw, there is a .modify @parameter @input that can work, but it dosent :o(

Rob W.
no it is .setlevel but I do believe that is for setting the level of mobs. (I could be wrong) but I do know that .levelup is the one to use. Works well for me. Check your current security level first (Since it is saying this command isn't available) by typing in .acct

If its less than 3 there's your problem. If in fact it is 3, check your SQL command table. make sure that no value is above 3.

As for why one DB would let you use it and the other wouldn't... it may be a scripting thing. You could also try adding any script sql files that you may have (Scriptdev or Mangoscript) Depending on how it was compiled.
So much talk about this..? Dude, .modify level amount or .level amount

Probly .modify level amount

Go try..
ok, I found my error, you where right, the command can only be excuted with permission of 3(which can be changed in the DB). SO yeah, thank you very much for the response. LOL

Rob W.