[MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2007
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[MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.10 TBC (based on 2.0.8)

Mangos Basic setup guide for v2.0.10 TBC
(based on 2.0.8)


Q: Will this still work with the newer version?

A: Yes, it's the same setup, but instead of downloading v2.0.8 get the new
v2.0.10 posted below.

NOTE: Will reconfigure this whole guide soon form Mangos v2.0.10. For now
this will work.

Since I've seen a lot of people post for detailed instructions, I'm going to make one. If you
have a question make sure you give a DETAILED explanation of what is happening. I'll or
someone will get back to you about how to fix your problem.

[Basic Setup]
  • TBC Installation
- 233.93MB [FileCrocodile.com]

- 291.88MB [FileCrocodile.com]

NOTE: If you can't download a huge file like that then go here and find the split files. Make
sure you download all the split files, other wise you will have missing files and this will not
work at all.><
[MaNGOS] v2.0.8 The Burning Crusade Server

- 40.3MB
  • MYlyog
- 6.8MB
  • WOW TBC Client
  • Get the Client patches

NOTE: you will have to extract compressed files, so I suggest getting winRAR if you don't
have it already.

STEP 2: Installation.

In the picture below is all the files you should need, remember WOW should be installed at
this point.
SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

MySQL 5.0
First thing to do is extract your MySQL 5.0. You will see a window pop up with percentage
bars, I hope this does not take to long. When this proses is finished a new folder will be
created. Open the new folder mysql-5.0.27-win32 and there will be a Setup.exe, open it
and begin to install mysql.

When the MySQL 5.0 installation window opens up, go ahead a click next. You will be given
three types of installation,
  1. Typical
  2. Complete
  3. Custom
I suggest using Complete, though it takes more memory. So it's all up to you.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

Near the end of the installation, you'll get a window that will ask you for some information.
Just click skip.

After you select [Next >] it will ask you if you would like to configure MySQL now. Keep
going threw next until you get to this window.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

WARNING! I just do standard configuration. Though if you have a limited amount of space
or want to create a dedicated server go threw Detailed setup!!!!

Do not fret, I am going to show you standard here. If you wish to learn how to do detailed
setup (NOT HARD AT ALL!) Click Here

NOTE: Just make sure you don't continue with his installation after the MySQL instructions.
Or you'll be trying to setup Mangos like a kobold (It won't work) ><

[1] - You can leave most of the settings as is.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

[2] - Make sure you enter a password you will remember! This is very important due
to the fact you'll need it to create the databases, not only that but when the Mangos
server runs you will have to enter it in the *.config files to access the data.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

After you complete the setup, you will see a window with execute. Proceed to click the
execute and watch it setup. If you get an error just close it up and run it again, you will be
given an option to reconfigure your MySQL. Do that and it should fix your error problem.

Extracting and setting up Mangos 2.0.8

A this point in time, I suggest that you take your Mangos Server and place it into a folder
location where it will permanently stay. EXAMPLE C:\MANGOS

You can leave the folder stay the same name as the compressed file if you want. When
you have finished, we can move on to the next part.

The only parts in Mangosd.Config and Realmd.Config you will have to change for now is
listed below.
[1] - Mangosd.config
# Database connection settings for the world server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;PASSWORD;realmd_bc"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;PASSWORD;mangos_bc
[2] - Realmd.config
# Database connection settings for the realm server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;PASSWORD;realmd_bc"
NOTE: again, the password is the same one you used for MySQL in the setup.

This is a very simple installation, After you are finished installing SQLyog run the program.
In the password selection you use the same password you had when you created MySQL.

- In Databases do enter mangos_bc;realmd_bc

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

click on Connect to continue.

[2] - Now inside, you'll see to icons to your left under root@localhost.

Right click root@locoalhost, you will now see create database. Do so, you will now get a
new input window. Enter mangos_bc then click create. Repeat again for realmd_bc.

[3] - Now that the databases are created, right click on Mangos_bc

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

Click on Restore from SQL Dump, Another window will pop up and this time you can do a
search for your SQL folder inside you Extracted Mangos folder. There should be a [...]
button you can click to browse.

EXAMPLE: D:\fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2.0.8_COMPLETE\sql\mangos_bc.sql
When selected click on the Execute button and wait a while for it to finish. (Varies with processor speed)
After it's finished, right click on Realmd_bc and do the same as above. Though put
realmd_bc.sql instead of mangos_bc.sql

EXAMPLE: D:\fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2.0.8_COMPLETE\sql\realmd_bc.sql

- Now refresh the database.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

Do that for Mangos_bc and Realmd_bc.

[5] - Click the [+] on realmd_bc to extend the tree.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

Click on view data to open the tables to your right.

To your right, will be a table with some information that does not apply to you so, lets
change it to what you need.

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

NOTE: Under Name you can enter any name you wish for your server name.

In the Address (this is important) as you can see I have my router computer IP. What
you want to place is totally up to you.

For LAN games this works fine. But I'm assuming you'll want to enter your WAN IP or
DNS IP in that field if you plan to host your server over the internet.

Under dbinfo, change it to look the same as what I have, in password again... it's your
MySQL password.When you have entered the information click on the blue save icon at
the top left corner.
  • -http://www.mywanip.com/
  • - Search free DNS google.
Add you server to windows
Now for the last part.
Inside here you will see hosts.file open with notepad.
It will look like this

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost #DO NOT TOUCH THIS WowServer! #For my LAN router line

What you want to enter below is simple, you place your DNS or WAN IP number, then
the name; in the location where my router IP is.

You can add more then one, and you want it to be the same address as the address
section in SQLyog Step [5].
Last and final
Go to your WOW directory (THE GAME) and open Realmlist, change it to your address!
Make sure your friends do the same to connect to you.


By what server type, I'm asking you do you want to build a Local LAN type from a router,
or A single player just to mess around in, OR.. what every one wants, to get you server
up on the Internet. If you wanted a single player, then just put in all the
addresses. If you want a LAN make it look like my examples, but with your router IP address
Window START >> RUN >> CMD >> ipconfig
For the internet which I have not tried.
You enter your DNS or WAN IP in the address bar in
  • SQLyog Step [5].
  • Add your server to windows.
Some people will tell you to alter the Realmd.config and Mangos.config as well,
but like I said I've never ran an internet server yet. If you have questions ask.

If you do wish to go online, remember things that you'll need to do.

1. Change all IP settings to your .
2. Open all needed ports in your firewall AND router, if router is applicable.
3. Set Realmlist to your .

Open ports needed.

* 8085 Mangos
* 3724 Realmd
* 3443 another Mangos

There might be more, but I'll let you find them.

How to open router ports
For most, your router has admin login that you can access the configuration page.
For me, I enter in my explorer my router IP ( ). By doing that it pops
up a login screen. If you haven't set this up yet, read the manual on how to get into
your router configurations. If you DO know your user name and password then log
in. You'll see a place where it's says something like port forwarding, or Applications
& Gaming ( ) on a Linksys. There you want
to enter your router IP address. Should be something like or
etc... and assign the ports you wish to forward. If you are having troubles with routers
or firewall, please go to their site and look at there FAQ. You can always find the
solution there.


Under you mangos directory are two files
  1. server.log
  2. realmd.log
Thous files, are where your data is stored when you might have that annoying
problem of mangos / realmd not running. So please open with notepad and cut
and past that information into the forum when you are posting with that problem.
That will show the error you have and might give you a speedy fix. Consider though,
sometimes bad things happen to good people. And your problem may take
longer then others to solve. Keep tinkering with it, FYI it took me five times of
reinstalling MySQL and Mangos to get them working properly. ^^


Also check out...
Export data

Thanks to...
DJRavine - For all the resources.
DigitalEffect - For Detailed MySQL database.
Last edited:
[MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.10 TBC

MANGOS 2.0.10!

Download File
- 291.88MB

How to update?
Extract the file into a new location. Setup just like version 2.0.6
and 2.0.8 as provided above.

NOTE: Before upgrading. Remember you will lose all character data
unless you dump your all your character SQL data and reinstall it.

Export Data BETA - not full proof.:Confuzzle

Remove all data from from Mangos_bc and Realmd_bc SQL using SQLyog,
or Navicat. Go to new location of Mangos 2.0.10 server extraction location,
using the Restore mySQL dump

EXAMPLE: D:\fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2.0.10[COMPLETE]\sql\mangos_bc.sql

and the same for realmd

EXAMPLE: D:\fc_MaNGOS_TBC_v2.0.10[COMPLETE]\sql\realmd_bc.sql

after that is finished do the following SQLog step [5] from above instructions. You will also need to configure Mangos.conf and Realmd.conf to your settings.

what was fixed :
- Group Invite fixed
- Intercontinental boats and zepplins fixed
- Movement error console spam fixed
- added the very first "item" mount 'Peep the Phoenix' - id # 33338
- this mount only works in outlands, and does not need reload commands
- the netherdrake mount/spell was disabled for this release
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hello, sorry again by my English..I use a translator.

I have he himself problem from version 2.0.6 ..all the previous versions work to me

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

SKi - [MaNGOS] Setup Guide v2.0.8 TBC - RaGEZONE Forums

add in file host for windows: localhost
"my router ip" "my no-ip"

its correct?
also I have tried replace in table realmlist for te realmd_bc DB for "my router ip".. and my "internal ip"...and with my telephone number! xD
but nothing...aarrrgh ><

the error loopback not that it is. .pero something I have tried, but not to form. :P

I commit suicide :cry_1:
mmm my ip is dinamic :S I use no-ip. show my external ip.
..you have done something different from version 2.0.1 with the configuration of realmlist? the previous versions worked to me =_=U

..que malo es no saber ingles :)

I delete rows, in adress (for play offline).. in adress 192.168.1.x <-my router ip..in adress my host "ewar.servegame.." pff he himself error.. I seem idiot jaja but dont ask in Spanish... :P

router this formed good, works versions to me 1.12.1/2.0.1 ... :Flush:
seem to get an error on this one.
There was an error while executing a query.
The query and the error message has been logged at:
C:\Program Files\SQLyog Enterprise Trial\sqlyog.err.
Please click on "Open Error File..." to open the error file.

Error occured at:2007-02-28 15:40:13
Line no.:0
Error Code: 1049 - Unknown database 'mangos_bc'


Error occured at:2007-02-28 15:40:56
Line no.:0
Error Code: 1049 - Unknown database 'mangos_bc'

How come that?
Help would be appreciated.
I should be able to play on this server since i have the 2.0.8 client that blizzard has released but i do have the expansion and DJRavine said i should be able to.

2007-02-28 16:57:38 World Database:;3306;mang;root;mangos_bc
2007-02-28 16:57:38 ERROR:Could not connect to MySQL database at Access denied for user 'mang'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

2007-02-28 16:57:38 ERROR:Cannot connect to world database;3306;mang;root;mangos_bc

I am having problem restoring the sql provided by the file I downloaded.

Error Message:

Error occured at:2007-03-01 01:38:59
Line no.:0
Error Code: 1049 - Unknown database 'mangos_bc'


Error occured at:2007-03-01 01:40:54
Line no.:0
Error Code: 1049 - Unknown database 'mangos_bc'

I tried doing for both restoring to no avail too.

Hope u can shed some light to this problem.

Thanks in advance.
seem to get an error on this one.
There was an error while executing a query.
The query and the error message has been logged at:
C:\Program Files\SQLyog Enterprise Trial\sqlyog.err.
Please click on "Open Error File..." to open the error file.

Error occured at:2007-02-28 15:40:13
Line no.:0
Error Code: 1049 - Unknown database 'mangos_bc'


Error occured at:2007-02-28 15:40:56
Line no.:0
Error Code: 1049 - Unknown database 'mangos_bc'

How come that?
Help would be appreciated.

It's fixed by recreating the databases since they automatically appeared when i connected, try deleting both databases and then creating them. When you get an error about that they don't exist you can create the databases with the same name again and it'll work!
Where do i get TBC D: i have WoW 2.0.8 thats it tho :(

Is that what i need :D?