(MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
GraysHarbor, Wa
6 New vendors fully equiped for TBC & your trade skill needs.

A Leather vendor, with leather, Hides & Salts.
An Alchemy Vendor with all Herbs, vials, & a few fish (oily blackmouth).
An Enchanting Vendor with all rods, dusts, shards, & essensces.
An Ore Vendor with all bars & stones.
A Cloth vendor with every cloth type.
And a complete gem vendor.

Installation is as simple as copying the contents of the file and executing all the quaries in your DB.

1) Open SQLyog
2) Open Xs_Trade_Vendors.txt
3) Select everything in the File & Copy.
4) In SQLyog click Mangos_bc
5) In the query section, to the right of Mangos_bc paste what you just copied from XS_trade_Vendor.txt
6) Right click in the query window
7) Execute Query ->
8) Execute All Queries

Done, just add Vendors where you want with the following commands

vendors are:
.addspw 100031
.addspw 100032
.addspw 100033
.addspw 100034
.addspw 100035
.addspw 100036


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Xecuter - (MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums
Xecuter - (MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

Xecuter - (MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums
Xecuter - (MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums

Xecuter - (MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums
Xecuter - (MANGOS) Trade Skill Vendor - RaGEZONE Forums
That's what I meant, after running the query, I checked under creature_template, and I didn't find the new entries. When I try to spawn them in-game, I get an error like the creature ID doesn't exist.
Hey, it's already asked, but does this also work before 1.12.x evrsions of wow?
Hope so...
PLZ answer me soon! I CANT WAIT :P
hehe Thnx for commend^^

Ok they work but 3 of them are blocks so change there creature id and you will have beautifull vendors THANKS

100031 has a tbc creature id i changed into NE :P
100033 (was it i though also one) and 10035 But you have to look
for yourself when you have no TBC server.

THNAKKSS they are soo beuaty :P