[MaNGOS] v2.0.8 The Burning Crusade Server [COMPLETE]

Experienced Elementalist
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
[MaNGOS] v2.0.8 The Burning Crusade Server

Hello all...

I have just update my last repack to get a full v2.0.8 mangos TBC Server...
it doesnt throw many OPCode errors... QUESTS DON'T CAUSE CRASHES...
its very simple to setup just like any other mangos server...

This is once again a hybrid repack from alot of servers...
and i have also included abit of my own work also..
there are a total of 2430 TBC maps now... and NO map errors...

Also, if you have any suggestions and comments..
Please feel free... as i'm always looking to improve...


DJRavine - [MaNGOS] v2.0.8 The Burning Crusade Server [COMPLETE] - RaGEZONE Forums


What client does this server support?
You will need ONE of the following clients to access thie server...
  • WoW TBC v2.0.6.6337
  • WoW TBC v2.0.7.6383
  • WoW TBC v2.0.8.6403
If you dont have a client... scroll to the bottom of this post...

What do I need to run this server?
You require a mySQL v5+ server and an apache websrver running...
if you dont have either already... ...

How do i install the SQL database?
After all my SQL work... ...
Install the "Community version" so you have all the features enabled...
After which you can open it and login to the SQL database...

Are the new Teir 4 & Tier 5 items included?
I know the Tier 4 ones are... not 100% sure about the Tier 5...

Are the all The Burning Crusade items, quests & etc. included?
No... No... and No... Sorry guys.. There maybe a few...
But... No one has made them all yet...

Commonly found bugs?
If you find a simple spell not working and / or items not working 100%...
i am sorry but we cannot offer support for your issues...
for the amount of data included in the repack is rather excessive...
and i myself do not have the time to do this...


Download a copy of the MaNGOS TBC v2.0.8 COMPLETE.rar to get everything you need in one hit...

DOWNLOAD: - 233.93MB [FileCrocodile.com]
DOWNLOAD: - 233.93MB [SendSpace]
DOWNLOAD: - 233.93MB [UpLoading.com]



DOWNLOAD: - 213.00MB

Extract the downloaded file into a directory...
eg.. C:\MaNGOS\...

Create 2 new databases in your SQL server...
mangos_bc and realmd_bc...
Import the 2 SQL files from the SQL folder into the appropriate databases...

Modify the mangosd.conf.bak and save it as mangos.conf...
Do the same with realmd.conf.bak...

Run the restarter, MaNGOS.exe to start both server/daemons...
BTW, while setting up your server test each of them individually...
Using the appropriate ***.exe...

Connect to the server with a compatible client...
and dont forget to change your realmlist after the last update...

ok.. here is a little info... for all you bouys and ghouls...

.tele outland dark portal - to get to the dark portal...
.go -248.598190 964.617.249 84.336288 530 - NEW OUTLAND LOCATION...
.go 120.438 1772.12 43.4402 568 - Zul'Aman (instance in Ghostlands)
.go 1154.43 165.231 313.603 37 - Azshara Crater Ally Entrance (BG in Azshara)
.go 344.8 508.784 293.522 37 - Azshara Crater Horde Entrance (BG in Azshara)
.go 2183.2463 1571.4164 1159.3687 566 - Eye of the Storm (New BG in BC)


================================================== ========
Flying Mount: taken from Fanatik and made by Midnightsun!
.learn 3363 - is the summon spell, use it to mount up, use the space key to take off.
.reload2 40 - 40 being the speed duplex, right after you mount up you will find yourself going rather slow, change the speed to whatever you wish, I would recommend you do not go past 60.
.reload 147 "displayid" - without the quotes use that command to change the model of your netherdrake, via display ids.
.reload4 - If your client crashes, but your server dosent, you will find yourself constantly stuck on your mount unable to move, this command will fix that issue.

All the current known Burning Crusade mounts.
Last number (XXXXX) is also model ID/morph ID.

================================================== ===
Blood Elf Level 40 Mounts: Hawkstrider
================================================== ===

Red Hawkstrider: .reload 147 18696
Brown Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19478
Pink Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19479
Grren Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19480

================================================== ===
Blood Elf Level 60 Mounts: Armored Hawkstrider
================================================== ===

Armored Red Hawkstrider: .reload 147 18697
Armored Pink Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19482
Armored White Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19483
Armored SeaBlue Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19484

================================================== ===
Draenei Level 40 Mounts: Elekk
================================================== ===

Elekk: .reload 147 17063

================================================== ===
Draenei Level 60 Mounts: Armored Elekk
================================================== ===

Armored Elekk: .reload 147 17906

================================================== ===
Alliance Normal Flying Mounts: Gryphon
================================================== ===

Normal Gryphon: .reload 147 17693
Black Gryphon: .reload 147 17694
White Gryphon: .reload 147 17696

================================================== ===
Alliance Epic Flying Mounts: Armored Gryphon
================================================== ===

Green Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17703
Purple Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17717
Red Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17718
Blue Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17759

================================================== ===
Horde Normal Flying Mounts: Wyvern
================================================== ===

Normal Wyvern: .reload 147 17699
Blue Wyvern: .reload 147 17700
Purple Wyvern: .reload 147 17701

================================================== ===
Horde Epic Flying Mounts: Armored Wyvern
================================================== ===

Red Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17719
Green Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17720
Purple Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17721
Yellow Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17722

================================================== ===
Boss drop: Felhorse
================================================== ===

Felhorse: .reload 147 19250

================================================== ===
Rare Flying Mount: Phoenix
================================================== ===

Phoenix: .reload 147 17890

================================================== ===
Rare Flying Mounts: Netherdrakes
================================================== ===

Normal Netherdrake: .reload 147 16314
Slightly Less Purple Netherdrake: .reload 147 17772
Slightly Less Purple Netherdrake: .reload 147 17888
Seablue Netherdrake: .reload 147 19891


this isnt this server.. its official.. but i thought i'd post it..


You will need ONE of the following clients to access thie server...
  • WoW TBC v2.0.6.6337
  • WoW TBC v2.0.7.6383
  • WoW TBC v2.0.8.6403
Download the WoW TBC Retail Downloader to get TBC installed...

From the sources below get these patches...
- wow-2.0.x-to-2.0.3-enus-patch.exe - 158.00MB...
- wow-2.0.3-to-2.0.7-enus-patch.exe - 4.27MB...
- wow-2.0.7-to-2.0.8-enus-patch.exe - 2.65MB...

Don't forget to change your realmlist off the default one...
And if you wish you can delete BackgroundDownloader.exe...

DOWNLOAD: - 1024.26kB
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just so ppl now, the first link for the credits, Fan's db, our team has joined forces with his, and were in the process of releasing a up2date db, check our project silvermoon thread for more info @ Emupedia.

the first gamerzplanet link is our db, which is an older build also.

Fan's db is an older build also, needed alot of work, we've taken his and fixed alot of issues, 90% of the quests are working in the be starting area on ours, as ive said, we'll have a release hopefully this weekend.

nice work DJRav~
i am trying this kind of server i have found one bug that it don't let any player to loin the server (i have close all the filewalls) plz help me
I dont think that the flying mount work becaus when i reload it, i youst walk on the ground whit it.

So it is youst to be patient and wait to someone post it

Or is it yousst that i did somthing wrong and that it is why it doesnt work

Edit:I got it working I did only .reaload but you have to learn it first
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I dont think that the flying mount work becaus when i reload it, i youst walk on the ground whit it.

So it is youst to be patient and wait to someone post it

Or is it yousst that i did somthing wrong and that it is why it doesnt work

maybe you wrote wrong displayid
And make sure that you followed ALL the instructions to get flying mounts to work...
DJRavine said:
Flying Mount: taken from Fanatik and made by Midnightsun!
.learn 3363 - is the summon spell, use it to mount up, use the space key to take off.
.reload2 40 - 40 being the speed duplex, right after you mount up you will find yourself going rather slow, change the speed to whatever you wish, I would recommend you do not go past 60.
.reload 147 "displayid" - without the quotes use that command to change the model of your netherdrake, via display ids.
.reload4 - If your client crashes, but your server dosent, you will find yourself constantly stuck on your mount unable to move, this command will fix that issue.
can some1 plz help me???? i have found one bug that it don't let any player(me too) to conect the server (i have close all the filewalls) plz help me
I executed the SQLs, but get this error when starting realmd.exe:

2007-01-23 20:30:06 ERROR:SQL: SELECT `id`, `name`,`address`,`port`,`icon`,`color`,`timezone` FROM `realmlist` ORDER BY `name`
2007-01-23 20:30:06 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'mangos2.realmlist' doesn't exist
2007-01-23 20:30:06 ERROR:No valid realms specified.

When I add the realmlist table to my mangos DB, realmd.exe works, but when I log in, I get these errors:

SQL: SELECT * FROM 'ip_banned' WHERE 'ip' = '';
query ERROR: Table 'mangos2.ip_banned' doesn't exist
SQL: SELECT 'password', 'banned', 'locked', 'last_ip', 'online' FROM 'account' WHERE 'username' = 'Admin'
QUERY ERROR: Table 'mangos2.account' doesn't exist

Now when I add the ip_banned and account tables to the mangos DB and log in, I get the damn realm list loop, and eventually either WoW crashes, or mangosd.exe crashes.

Edit: Hmm, nevermind. I did exactly as the little tutorial said at the top, now it works. Don't know why it wasn't working before though.

Great job, most of the items are implemented and everything.
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Download server, setup everything.
After i make char and logout and try to login again
i cant wow load screen just stays there.
Any reason why i cant relog on. i can only make new char
After you select the realm, it just loops back? If so, that's common. Make sure that if it's local all IPs are set to or if it's WAN all IPs are set to your external. Don't forget the ports either. When I say all, I mean, in;
and in the realmd database under realmlist.
(Using SQLyog or Navicat.)

(Is it just me, or are we experiancing Dejavu? Again.)

EDIT: Ok, since people are having issues, try using this exact realmd database.
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