mangosd.exe error with log

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
ok so i have been trying unsuccessfully for a long time now to get a wow server up and runing, anyways long story short did a guide blah blah blah

when i run the mangosd.exe it opens runs for a secong and closed

server.log files says this

2007-03-26 05:00:27 World Database:;3306;root;toor;mangos
2007-03-26 05:00:27 Login Database:;3306;root;toor;realmd
2007-03-26 05:00:27 Realm running as realm ID 1
2007-03-26 05:00:27 Using DataDir ./ ...
2007-03-26 05:00:27 Initialize data stores...
2007-03-26 05:00:27
2007-03-26 05:00:27 >> Loaded 28 data stores
2007-03-26 05:00:27
2007-03-26 05:00:27 Loading Game Object Templates...
2007-03-26 05:00:27 ERROR:`gameobject_template` table is empty!

2007-03-26 05:00:27 >> Loaded 0 game object templates
2007-03-26 05:00:27
2007-03-26 05:00:27 Loading player create info & level stats...
2007-03-26 05:00:27
2007-03-26 05:00:27 >> Loaded 40 player create definitions
2007-03-26 05:00:27
2007-03-26 05:00:27 >> Loaded 336 player create items
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 1526 player create spells
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 2049 player create skills
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 189 player create actions
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 2400 level stats definitions
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading Spell Chain Data...
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 1329 spell chain records
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 819 spell proc event conditions
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 53 aggro generating spells
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading Scripts...
2007-03-26 05:00:28 scripts :
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 0 script definitions
2007-03-26 05:00:28 spell_scripts :
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 0 script definitions
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading NPC Texts...
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 0 npc texts
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading Quest Area Triggers...
2007-03-26 05:00:28
2007-03-26 05:00:28 >> Loaded 0 quest trigger points
2007-03-26 05:00:28 Loading Items...
2007-03-26 05:00:28 ERROR:Error in `item_template` table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 121 fields in sql).

i tried downloading new .dbc files but the only ones i find are burning crusade, i just want to get this going for my own person fun with some buddies of mine, any help would be greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance
ok i got it to work now but there is a new problem, there are no npcs or mods or anything, i am going to search the forums for some help just thought i would say so no one wasted time helping something i fixed