Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 5, 2007
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I have been messing about with macros and if you make a couple up you can fly (well sort of)

Firstly we need to make the mount then dismount macro
create a macro called MOUNT
add to the following code

.reload 147 17890
.reload2 40
.speed 4 (only if you are a GM)

create a macro called DISMOUNT
add to the following code

.speed 1(only if you are a GM)

Then create the Fly Up and Fly Down Macro

create a macro called FLY UP
You can assign the macro to a keystroke if you want
add to the following code

/script PlayerX,PlayerY,PlayerZ=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/script PlayerZ=PlayerZ+1
.go PlayerX PlayerY PlayerZ

create a macro called FLY DOWN
You can assign the macro to a keystroke if you want
add to the following code

/script PlayerX,PlayerY,PlayerZ=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/script PlayerZ=PlayerZ-1
.go PlayerX PlayerY PlayerZ

I know these are a bit primitave but i am sure with all of your expert knowladge on marcos you lot should be able to refine things, like if you try to dismount when you are above the ground you will stay floating etc etc

Also I think the .go will only work for gm`s so if their is an alternative script to allow player to use this sort of thing please let me know, or even if you know how to make custom commands that would be usefull.
good luck...
Well you can just .tele outland dark portal, go through.

.learn 3363 - this will put a 'summon nether drake' into the general part of your spellbook.

Use it.

Type .reload2 40 to go faster

Set off and fly. You can use reload to change looks.

Only useable in outland though :P

Nice though, WAAAAY 'too' manual for me :D
I was just after somthing that i could fly around stormwind with.
I am wondering if you can fly around the outland and not other places why is this?
Can you mod somthing to allow flying in all areas?

Also what do you mean by to manual :)
Once it is set up and the macros key bound all you do is oress one button to mount then use your key bindings to fly then press another button to dismount :P

Are you used to an automated WOW where you player casts spells ,attacks mobs and quests iteself all you do is watch and chat *GRIN* :P
Yep I am xD Besides if I wanna go fly around I can go real wow :p

Nice going though flying in stormwind sounds fun, I think I will try it sometime :D
well it is sort of working the script in here sucks but i need some HELP how the hell do i get the current Z location of the player, i cannot find it anywhere. also instead of using the .go commands can i make a custom spell or somthing to do the same?