• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Map server Troubles

Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all, hoping someone can help

Today I compiled the latest freya svn on slackware 11 w/ databases hosted on mysql 5. All is good with the char and login servers, but the map server is throwing some crazy errors. I'm sorry I can't get a screen of the output, I tried > maplog.txt but there are lots of extraneous unicode characters in the dump o.O If someone can suggest a better way to copy and paste to lynx (no mouse!) I will do that.

A brief description of events:

everything including data.grf and sdata.grf loading is successful.

After loading first two .grfs, it complains, "Warning: No file name in grf-files.txt for adata directive." Is this data file necessary?

All maps are then successfully loaded.

conf/manner.txt is successfully loaded

It states:
"Server: Freya Databases:
Loaded: 'db/const.txt' read."
immediately followed by a series of errors:
"excpect command line 0 : {''i'
expect ',' or ';' at cmd params line 1 : temheal 'r'and(325,405),0;}
expect command line 0 : {'i't
expect ',' or ';' at cmd params line 1 : emheal '0',rand(40,60);}"
and then a couple more mentioning such things as 'S'C_POISON, SC_SILENCE, SC_BLIND, and SC_CONFUSION

Anyone seen this insanity before? lol

Also... can someone point me to a readme describing how to configure the client to look for a server of choice (a.k.a my server)?

t.i.a. fellow rags lovers
not sure about the errors as I've never used freya before.

About the readme you wanted, look at the stickies. There's one there with the tag saying "[GUIDE]". Tried reading it?
I had the same problem a while back.
I will however have to check my programming logs and see what I did to repair it. I'll leave you another post when I find the file.
Also checking some of the programming posts here might be a good idea.