MapleVenge v0.83 Development Team Recruiting!

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score

MapleVenge v83 is a Big Development and off many times for about a year. Its a 1 Month development bombing the server with alots of features and Aiming our best to hit a Great level at top 10 on Gtop100. We have hosted on a dedicated server with 8GB ram, 8 Core and 200GBPS DDoS Protection and SQL Inject protections. Also, we have v145 WZ edits [UptoDate] v145 Maps, Mobs, NPCs, and 50 Custom Maps (PVP custom maps, ect) Items, Chairs.

Game Master requirements:
- Has lots of time
- Does not procrastinate to complete tasks that are asked for
- Is sharp and can catch onto things that seem wrong
- Has MapleStory playing experience and background knowledge
- Has Game Master experience, though not completely required
- Is humble and obedient and can learn to accept mistakes
- Can follow the rules that are given to him or her
- Is a good listener.
ie. I've had experiences in the past where the person thought the commands in the server were the same and didn't listen to me when he was told otherwise.

Duties of a Game Master:
- Stays hidden and stays away from public appearances to the community unless holding an event
- Takes any screen shots of hackers as proof, then takes action accordingly
- Does not abuse his or her abilities as a Game Master and knows that demotion will be the consequence
- Keeps his or her Game Master characters and Non-Game Master characters separate. In other words, no cheating or unfair advantages
- Obeys the rules of the server and does tasks that are asked for
- To keep the server fair and not to allow any advantages
- To entertain players with events, but to regulate prizes to prevent economy inflation
Note: There are probably more duties as a Game Master that you will come across in the future

Paid Coder
Website Developer
Forum Developer [vBulletin]
GM / SGM / Jr.GM

Application Format:
Job applying for:
Years of experience:

Past Experiences:
Versions played:
Time Zone:
Do you agree to work to give your very best towards this server?:

Please PM me your Skype Else, Addme : Gameeditor
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