Market Online Need help

Junior Spellweaver
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone

as everyone know there a website call Ebay that sell Alot of stuff

and iam jsut have a question

is there a way i can make like a Website that sell Stuff like Runescape Item and money

like this website

can you help me i want to know what kind of a free website like gamepal or ebay ( please is there a website that Free without download or asking for adress or phone number )

can you help me i want to know what kind of a free website like gamepal or ebay ( please is there a website that Free without download or asking for adress or phone number )


Not meant to be rude. But just for you to think that you don't know how to do this .... just don't consider further. 2 Only solutions:

- learn web programming and in 2 years create your own online shop;
- engage a consultant that will code it for you [ which I can do if you pay well :P ];

Programming an online shop requires a lot of knowledge in both the language you are coding, in web security and also about API. A good knowledge of sockets with PHP is a plus so you can use paypal payment pro (with a SSL certificate).
That pretty much wraps it up, to be honest.

There are free webshops available ofcourse, search Welcome to for them if you like, but most of them aren't very good - and as mentioned, running a webshop with good payment methods takes a lot of time and effort, and if you're not even willing to search for this I doubt you'll get anywhere.
You can pay people to do them but it's really not worth it tbh, also remember if your selling in game items, power leveling or selling gold imo your ruining the over all experiance and 90% of everyone who sells RuneScape gold bots. Although if theres money in it why not.
