Mass Bees spawming.. pls help

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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
I gave GM to a wrong person i tho was going to help and insted he scrwed up the server.... he spawmed a bg mass of bees out side Zant and other places and now it's lagging a lot... my question is how can i fix this with out having to deleted all stuffs again and redoing it.. cuz i don't want to wipe the users accounts.

Thanks in advice and hope you can help me out.
go to your navicat...look for the table named accounts ... change his access level fromm 300 back 100 :D... thanks
Thanks for the tip, but i already did that.. my question was how to deleted the monsters he spawmed with out having to deleted the db.
if he did the add psanw command u goig to have top look in the DB and manually dlete it if its still there then Redo DB
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