Match Server Error - identifier not found.

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2017
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When I Built Match Server , I got an Error:-c:\users\Pc\desktop\GunzSource\matchserver\exceptionattacher.cpp(69): error C3861: 'RunUnitTest': identifier not found
#ifdef _DEBUG	if (!RunUnitTest())		return 0;#endif
Please Help Me.Full Exceptionattacher.ccp
#include "stdafx.h"#include "MDebug.h"#include "Shlwapi.h"#include "MCrashDump.h"#include "MMatchStatus.h"#include "MMatchServer.h"#include "MMatchConfig.h"#include "UnitTest.h"#ifndef _DEBUG//#define SUPPORT_EXCEPTIONHANDLING#endif#ifdef _DEBUG#define new DEBUG_NEW#endifstatic bool GetRecommandLogFileName(char* pszBuf){	if (PathIsDirectory("Log") == FALSE)		CreateDirectory("Log", NULL);	time_t		tClock;	struct tm*	ptmTime;	time(&tClock);	ptmTime = localtime(&tClock);	char szFileName[_MAX_DIR];	int nFooter = 1;	while(TRUE) {		sprintf(szFileName, "Log/MatchLog_%02d-%02d-%02d-%d.txt", 			ptmTime->tm_year+1900, ptmTime->tm_mon+1, ptmTime->tm_mday, nFooter);		if (PathFileExists(szFileName) == FALSE)			break;		nFooter++;		if (nFooter > 100) return false;	}	strcpy(pszBuf, szFileName);	return true;}int AFXAPI AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, 					  HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,						  LPTSTR lpCmdLine, 					  int nCmdShow){	// Current Directory¸¦ ¸ÂÃá´Ù.	char szModuleFileName[_MAX_DIR] = {0,};	GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModuleFileName, _MAX_DIR);	PathRemoveFileSpec(szModuleFileName);	SetCurrentDirectory(szModuleFileName);	char szLogFileName[_MAX_DIR];	if (GetRecommandLogFileName(szLogFileName) == false) 		return FALSE;	InitLog(		MLOGSTYLE_DEBUGSTRING|		MLOGSTYLE_FILE, szLogFileName);#ifdef _DEBUG	if (!RunUnitTest())		return 0;#endif//	return 0;	//TDD ÀÛ¾÷ÇÒ¶© ÀÌ°É·Î Á¶±âÁ¾·á½ÃÅ°¸é ÁÁÀ½	// Wrap WinMain in a structured exception handler (different from C++	// exception handling) in order to make sure that all access violations	// and other exceptions are displayed - regardless of when they happen.	// This should be done for each thread, if at all possible, so that exceptions	// will be reliably caught, even inside the debugger.#ifdef SUPPORT_EXCEPTIONHANDLING	char szDumpFileName[_MAX_DIR]; 	strcpy(szDumpFileName, szLogFileName);	strcat(szDumpFileName, ".dmp");	char szDmpFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0, };	strcpy(szDmpFileName, &szDumpFileName[4]);	char szTxtFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0, };	strcpy(szTxtFileName, &szLogFileName[4]);	__try {#endif		// The code inside the __try block is the MFC version of AfxWinMain(),		// copied verbatim from the MFC source code.		ASSERT(hPrevInstance == NULL);		int nReturnCode = -1;		CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();		// AFX internal initialization		if (!AfxWinInit(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow))			goto InitFailure;		// App global initializations (rare)		ASSERT_VALID(pApp);		if (!pApp->InitApplication())			goto InitFailure;		ASSERT_VALID(pApp);		// Perform specific initializations		if (!pApp->InitInstance())		{			if (pApp->m_pMainWnd != NULL)			{				TRACE(_T("Warning: Destroying non-NULL m_pMainWnd\n"));				pApp->m_pMainWnd->DestroyWindow();			}			nReturnCode = pApp->ExitInstance();			goto InitFailure;		}		ASSERT_VALID(pApp);		nReturnCode = pApp->Run();		ASSERT_VALID(pApp);InitFailure:#ifdef _DEBUG		// Check for missing AfxLockTempMap calls		if (AfxGetModuleThreadState()->m_nTempMapLock != 0)		{			TRACE(_T("Warning: Temp map lock count non-zero (%ld).\n"),				AfxGetModuleThreadState()->m_nTempMapLock);		}		AfxLockTempMaps();		AfxUnlockTempMaps(-1);#endif		AfxWinTerm();		return nReturnCode;#ifdef SUPPORT_EXCEPTIONHANDLING	}//	__except(MFilterException(GetExceptionInformation())){	__except(CrashExceptionDump(GetExceptionInformation(), szDumpFileName, true))	{//		char szFileName[_MAX_DIR];//		GetModuleFileName(NULL, szFileName, _MAX_DIR);//		WinExec(szFileName, SW_SHOW);	// Launch again		MMatchServer::GetInstance()->CheckMemoryTest();		MGetServerStatusSingleton()->Dump();		char szScriptName[MAX_PATH] = {0, };		wsprintf(szScriptName, "Log\\UpLoadScript.txt");		FILE* fp = fopen(szScriptName, "w+");		if (fp != NULL)		{			char szServerID[MAX_PATH] = {0, };			sprintf(szServerID, "%d", MGetServerConfig()->GetServerID());			char szLogDir[MAX_PATH] = {0, };			strcpy(szLogDir, "C:\\GunzServer\\MatchServer\\Log");			// ½ºÅ©¸³Æ® ÀÛ¼º			fprintf(fp, "user\nserver\nshsrhfxkd\nbinary\ncd LogFile\n");#ifdef LOCALE_KOREA					fprintf(fp, "cd KOREA\n");			#endif#ifdef LOCALE_JAPAN			fprintf(fp, "cd JAPAN\n");#endif#ifdef LOCALE_NHNUSA			fprintf(fp, "cd USA\n");#endif#ifdef LOCALE_BRAZIL			fprintf(fp, "cd BRAZIL\n");#endif#ifdef LOCALE_INDIA			fprintf(fp, "cd INDIA\n");#endif#ifdef LOCALE_US			fprintf(fp, "cd INTERNATIONAL\n");#endif			fprintf(fp, "lcd %s\n", szLogDir);			fprintf(fp, "put %s_%s\n", szServerID, szDmpFileName);			fprintf(fp, "put %s_%s\nbye\n", szServerID, szTxtFileName);			fclose(fp);			char temp_arg[256] = {0, };			wsprintf(temp_arg, "%s %s %s", szServerID, szDmpFileName, szTxtFileName);			ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("UpLoadLogFile.bat"), _T(temp_arg), NULL, SW_HIDE);		}	}#endif	return 0;}
Hope You Guys Help !!
Skilled Illusionist
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
k, if you aren't compiling in debug mode simply change the configuration of your solution
or simply comment on that directive.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2017
Reaction score
k, if you aren't compiling in debug mode simply change the configuration of your solution
or simply comment on that directive.

What do you mean, I didn't understand you.
I only understand change your configuration

If I built in Release mode
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