Hello company, and welcome to my brand new topic! On this subject, I'm going to talk about the "Materializecss" kit, which is a kit that has served me enormously in the past.This kit will make your CMS much more potable than it is today, as it allowed me to make my old retro "MeBobba" much more attractive than it was...That's right, habbo design like that:
It's not too topical anymore... We have to innovate, but in the right direction! And thanks to Materialize, you will be able to innovate without getting too tired in order to propose an attractive and inspiring site.Bootstrap, everyone knows, it is one of the kits most used on Internet, and this, since years!Except this kit... Well... It is also outdated, even if it is still used by several important websites.Thanks to Materialize, you can propose a website that looks like this:
Well certainly, the one that is presented is not too famous because it seems enormously empty... Moreover, the menu used is very well known by the public, but it is well and truly thanks to Materialize that this last is displayed like that. This is just a small example, you can also create much more elaborate websites that look like this :
Oh yes, I almost forgot the most important thing:
Materializecss, it's Material, revisited by the publishing house, and Material, it's a design that is more and more used by Google, or Youtube, because it's precisely, their design!
Thanks to Materialize's official website, you are not left to yourself, all the possibilities as well as the corresponding codes are displayed and classified so that you can create your own website!
To be able to consult the various possibilities which are offered to you, I invite you to go on Documentation - Materialize (headings: "Component", and/or "Javascript" and/or "Forms").
If you can speak a minimum of English, you are likely to take the website in hand very quickly, because it is super intuitive!
And then, with time, you will NEVER be able to do without this system, because everything is done to ensure you a certain comfort!If you want to create your own page, then :
I invite you to visit: https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize/releases/download/1.0.0-beta/materialize-v1.0.0-beta.zip
Once downloaded, I invite you to send the contents of the materialize folder to the root of your website.
Then add these different lines of code:
Between tags <head></head> :
Just before the tag < / body> :
Alternatively, you can download an already designed materialize page:http://materializecss.com/templates/starter-template.zip
And drag the contents of the starter-template folder directly to the root of your website.
And you can enjoy ALL the magic of Materialize!
Well, it's not much I know, but it's with the smallest things that we do the biggest things, the proof is above!
Subject Source : https://habbo-dev.fr/topic/4842-mat...n-material-design/?tab=comments#comment-43419

It's not too topical anymore... We have to innovate, but in the right direction! And thanks to Materialize, you will be able to innovate without getting too tired in order to propose an attractive and inspiring site.Bootstrap, everyone knows, it is one of the kits most used on Internet, and this, since years!Except this kit... Well... It is also outdated, even if it is still used by several important websites.Thanks to Materialize, you can propose a website that looks like this:

Well certainly, the one that is presented is not too famous because it seems enormously empty... Moreover, the menu used is very well known by the public, but it is well and truly thanks to Materialize that this last is displayed like that. This is just a small example, you can also create much more elaborate websites that look like this :

Oh yes, I almost forgot the most important thing:
Materializecss, it's Material, revisited by the publishing house, and Material, it's a design that is more and more used by Google, or Youtube, because it's precisely, their design!
Thanks to Materialize's official website, you are not left to yourself, all the possibilities as well as the corresponding codes are displayed and classified so that you can create your own website!
To be able to consult the various possibilities which are offered to you, I invite you to go on Documentation - Materialize (headings: "Component", and/or "Javascript" and/or "Forms").
If you can speak a minimum of English, you are likely to take the website in hand very quickly, because it is super intuitive!
And then, with time, you will NEVER be able to do without this system, because everything is done to ensure you a certain comfort!If you want to create your own page, then :
I invite you to visit: https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize/releases/download/1.0.0-beta/materialize-v1.0.0-beta.zip
Once downloaded, I invite you to send the contents of the materialize folder to the root of your website.
Then add these different lines of code:
Between tags <head></head> :
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/materialize.min.css" media="screen,projection"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/materialize.min.js"></script>
And drag the contents of the starter-template folder directly to the root of your website.
And you can enjoy ALL the magic of Materialize!
Well, it's not much I know, but it's with the smallest things that we do the biggest things, the proof is above!
Subject Source : https://habbo-dev.fr/topic/4842-mat...n-material-design/?tab=comments#comment-43419
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