
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
We all getting our own server going if anyone is interested!

We all started from raza, worked up to 25 and jumped into the "real world", Starting from scratch is the best way to go. Join now!

Look forward in hearing from yas!

As of right now the server is up with 7 accounts and members, with at least 6 or 7 more coming. Meridian's not dead yet!

Im interested.
I'll try get more members here.. try advertise about this section in your signatures.
Can anyone make a banner to put in their signature? :)
I just wonder, is there anything special with the server, any new things, or is it just a pure rene server?

Well as of right now we got about 10 members on, We're new to this server hosting idea and looking for members that know how to work with making rooms and whatnot! Any takers? :)
sctroderick- got any more info for the serv? like who to contact and whatnot? always interested is seeing diff ppl's servs- and maybe helping out where i can if u need it-