me and sic are so damn clever

Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Merry England
not only did we think of a better time for the next rage party we also solved how im going to win the world championships, next on the agenda world peace.


[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
oo btw wud u be able to wait till october for next rageparty? the 1 at makas i mean

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
so cap n kitten n more ppl can com

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
lol I'll w8 as long as u want

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
good that actually coz means Kyle can come

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
kool ^__^ if we make it like the 2nd saturday every1 shud be able 2 go and its 2 days b4 i leave to go for the world championships

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
so i cant afford 2 die at the party

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
or get lost on way back

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
don't worry I won't make u drink much

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
didnt do to bad after the last party tho so im thinkin drink loads an pass out again i shud win

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
if my maths is correct anyway

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
seems logical

[CsR]Exclamation ~ Radio messege from HQ, "dance commander we love you" ( soon to be launched) says:
lots of drink = fun
too much fun = hangover
hangover + water = feel better
win fight after lots of drink + fun = good
lots of drink + fun = hangover + water = win
so if i divide by water i get,

drink + fun .......................... win
-------- ..... = hangover = ...... -----
water .................................. water
so really i dont know wtf im talking about, id best just get really fookin drunk and fall over

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
win/water= YES

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:

Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
Speedhorn 6(SIC)6 - KoRn - Untouchables on loop again >.< says:
man we are so clever
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gl in the world championship. Where is it held? BTW ur equasions own :good: