Me Playing Guitar

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Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
OK I was finally able to borrow a friends video recorder and record myself playing guitar. Video quality is pinkish for some reason but you can still see pretty well. It is also in .mp4 format so you will need Quicktime to play it I think.

The song I'm playing is Bed Of Razors by Children Of Bodem. Enjoy!

Children Of Bodem - Bed Of Razors (Megaupload)

Children Of Bodem - Bed Of Razors (Rapidshare)
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Nice playing! If I had a video camera I'd record some stuff, but I don't. :(

Its too bad you dont have the recording equipment to record a good quality sound file. We could start a Ragezone band. Just record something, send it to the other person, and have them record over it with a different instrument.

That would be pretty damn sweet if you asked me.

Wow, that would be cool. I call bass. =P
ooo that was nice iron! I need to get some lessons, I suck :\. I have a friend who has a recording studio in his basement...rish, the german video I sent you of me and them, they used the recording stuff and you can tell the difference between my crappy mic and Sam's insane crap :O

Maybe sometime I'll play my tenor for you guys since I believe I'm way better at that than the guitar :)
Erm, why not simply post it on youtube? :eh:

Because I don't want a bunch of r-tards commenting on my guitar playing when they don't know shit about what they are talking about.

Sorry guys, I haven't gotten around to recording anything new for ya'll. I'll try to do something tonight after work.