To be honest. I'm starting to like this and can't wait till they release the first version. I just hope the fontsize will be lowered on PC. It's quite big.
It's been a while since the Habbo cliënt had one universal design.
As we finish off more and more of Habbo 2020's features, we want to ensure we keep you all up to date and aware of what the client will actually look like before its release next year.
The new client's looks editor is largely similar to the existing one in a practical sense, but as you can see from the picture below it is cosmetically quite different.
Please note that the client we've pictured is still an early version, so some elements could easily change and probably will.
Let us know what you think of the looks editor using the #Habbo2020 hashtag on social media!
-Habbo Staff
Great news for traders: Habbo 2020 has a vastly improved shop and marketplace! We've improved search functionality, filtering and categorisation and we've also added a couple of cool new features. We've listed some of them below!
The Shop's 'Premium' section will be where you get your currency and memberships from in Habbo 2020.
Searching for and filtering items in the Shop has been made clearer and easier.
The Shop's layout has been changed to make featured and discounted items easier to see.
See below for a more visual representation of what the new Shop will look like:
We've added a much-requested 'Recall all' button to the Marketplace! (Note that this may not be what the button is actually called in the final version of the client.)
We've altered the marketplace tax so that it is more progressive. Lower-priced items will be taxed less than they are currently.
Above, you can get an idea of what the Marketplace will look like.
Habbos, please note that these are still early versions of the Shop and Marketplace. We're making small changes and tweaks as we develop the Habbo 2020 client. Let us know what you think of the Marketplace and the Shop using the #Habbo2020 hashtag on social media!
-Habbo Staff
Habbo 2020 has a much neater and clearer way of showing you read_all_about_it_small_promothe achievementsyou have and the progress you've made with them. Also... we've added brand new achievements for you to complete! Here you can get an idea of what the new achievements window looks like. #Habbo
-Habbo Staff
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To view the content, you need to sign in or register
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Sulake CEO Valtteri Karu has confirmed that #Habbo2020 will launch in summer. CEO Karu and Finnish Community Manager Talistar were exceptionally interviewed inside hotel due to the governmental health restrictions.
CEO Karu explains that Habbo has seen an exceptional rise on both global and regional user count during the last month. Talistar sees that Habbo offers its users a safe place to express themselves, and mentions LGBTQ+ community as a great example.
Even though Habbo is almost 20 years old, according to CEO Karu it's still doing financially 'OK." The transition from Flash to Unity will bring many new features, but Karu is not to talk about them just yet.
Valtteri Karu, CEO of Sulakke, has revealed in a magazine interview that the new generation Habbo with the working name # Habbo2020 will be released during the summer. You can read more about the changes brought about by the new Habbo in Fusion's other news.
The editor of Helsingin Sanomat's Now supplement interviewed Karu, President and CEO, and Talistar, Community Director of Habbo Finland, exceptionally inside the hotel. CEO Karu sticks to his comments on the facts that follow the company's line, but Talistar also shares his own views in the interview. According to the community leader, Habbo’s popularity is also partly due to the permissiveness of the community: At Habbo, people can be just the way they want to be. Talistar says that Habbo is a paradise for rainbow youth, for example.
CEO Karu says Habbo is in a relatively good financial position. Habbo turns 20 this year, but despite that, development work has not been forgotten, according to the CEO. Habbo's game engine will change from an older Flash plug-in to a more modern Unity platform, and CEO Karu will confirm the transition during the summer.
With the new platform, mobile gaming will be easier and the hotel will look the same on all platforms. Other reforms are coming, but according to CEO Valtteri Karu, the time is not yet there.
I hope they will use Unity Web Player.I think you will be able to play it the same way you can play hotel hideaway in the browser:To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Since the beginning of May, Sulake has been keeping secret dialogues with players from different communities about the beta phase of Habbo 2020, which is expected to start operating later this month. Officially, there is no public information on the matter.
The start of the next phase will count on the help of select users from all communities to access the new version of Habbo, which will not be available to the general public. Some players have already been contacted and are awaiting further instructions from Sulake. Currently, no user has access to the new version of the game.
A beta phase means that a product is still in the development stage, that is, not fully finalized, but that it can be made available to a limited audience for the purpose of reporting bugs and feedback to developers. For this reason, only a few users will be able to access this version.
The selection process has already started in some communities, following this flow:
Local staffs choose users who will be able to access the beta version. Fansite members, ambassadors and builders may have a preference in the selection process. Each community can have its own selection criteria;![]()
Selected players are communicated directly within Habbo in order to confirm interest*. Ambassadors, fansites and builders can be communicated through other channels that they keep in touch with Habbo;![]()
After confirming users, they will receive further instructions on how the program will work. This phase has not yet occurred in any community.![]()
Not all communities have contacted players about this new phase. For now, this will be the selection criterion in each of them:
No information![]()
8 unspecified users![]()
No information![]()
6 fansite members, 1 ambassador and 1 builder![]()
8 unspecified users![]()
3 fansite members, 3 users, 1 ambassador and 1 builder![]()
8 unspecified users![]()
3 fansite members, 2 ambassadors (also fansite members), 2 builders (also fansite members) and 1 user![]()
No information![]()
In some cases, fansites, ambassadors and builders may also indicate names. In principle, only 8 users from each community will be selected. But it is not clear whether this number may vary according to the size of each hotel. All of these players will access a single hotel, in English, along with staffs from the Habbo development team and local staffs will not be present. It is also not clear how this access will happen.. Users are expected to return to Habbo with feedback on the new game.
It is expected that as of next Monday, Habbo Staffs from all communities will intensify the selection process and selected users will receive instructions on this new phase.
It is not known whether or when the beta phase will be available to the general public, nor how long this phase will last. Habbo 2020 project was first announced last September, and since then, a series of publications onTo view the content, you need to sign in or registerof the game. The official launch of the new Habbo is expected for August, during the game's anniversary celebrations.
* Be safe: forms on external websites or contacts directly via email is a scam.
Habbo 2020: beta phase
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sandbox is in activity since 04/21 or earlier
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Nothing really new with photos.
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerGot photos since 1/10/20
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The sandbox is their test environment for possible upcoming features. The photos page suggest they're actively using it to test something. One can reason that it's the new client they're making. Fansite members are invited to give their opinion and/or test it. It makes sense if they'd use the sandbox environment for that purpose.