I dunno exactly but after i use SQL.DLL my logs are full of this shit:
23:48:51 - ID
shura ) / Name
jonata3 ) / IP ( ) Memory Function Code Error ( 816043572 )( 2 )
23:48:51 - ID
wutsachi ) / Name
Wutsachi ) / IP ( ) Memory Function Code Error ( -1303192990 )( 2 )
Its about 100MB everyday of junk like this. I cant see logs as was before. Tried to turn OFF SQL.DLL and still happening.
Anyone can help me? See diff when i turn ON SQL.DLL and when was OFF.
23:48:51 - ID

23:48:51 - ID

Its about 100MB everyday of junk like this. I cant see logs as was before. Tried to turn OFF SQL.DLL and still happening.
Anyone can help me? See diff when i turn ON SQL.DLL and when was OFF.