Meridian3D Project

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2007
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Hail fellow meridian fans. I used to be an avid Meridian player, it was the first MMORPG i ever played, and i loved it, even today it remains one of my favourites.

Its unfortunate that the game has practically faded from existance, with the release of newer games and the dating of its software. But even today there seems to be a small group of die hard fans remaining.

So, here i am, to share with you a project i am currently working on. No doubt it has been attempted in the past, but im currently working on a 3d replica of Meridian, immitated to be as similar as possible. Mostly for nostalgia, but also as a stepping stone to what could become something greater.

You see, once i have created my meridian duplicate, it will give the possibility to others to change it, improve the graphics, add new areas etc, until everntually it could be a complete rework. Or, it could stay as it always has been, but with better graphics to appeal to new gamers.

I have actually been playing with this project for some time now, but no real mile stones have been created. I realized i needed some help. Now i have hired a 3D Modeller to assist, but theres still a few things im lacking. So, id like to ask for your help. I require the following:

1) A map of every town in Meridian, preferably to scale. The minimap is perfect for this. This is so we can size up each town and recreate it exactly.

2) Any information on game mechanics, particularly about the skill progression system. I never really looked into it before, i just accepted an increase when it came. any insight to how it works would be great.

3) the Meridian 59 musics in midi or Mp
thats awsome - ya we can decode every file now, graphics, music, ect - so what platform would you use? im thinking realmcrafter, that way us retarded ppl can put to gether the drag and drop things like maps and let the smart ppl do the coding, which there wouldnt really be that much of ... im thinking bout buying at least the basic edition once i get some money, and its not that expensive either liek $120 or something for basic love to help as much as possible, once the graphics are updated this game will hit the roof
I can help with the game mechanics part. Also, would you like a subdomain where you can store your files and beta versions? like

also, has the decoding tools for roos, bgfs, etc.
OH i have to buy realmcrafter..its only 100 bucks,.., if like a "team" each bought a copy, would it be possible to have a virtual team work on a single project, i dont think RealmCrafter has that kind of support :/

way better than realmcrafter

and only 150 bucks

I have a copy i'll send you, but it doesnt come with much documentation :)
ya sure if you want to send it, i just like realm crafter cuase its ment for mmorpgs, and it has "drag and drop" type features for us non-coders lol
Whoops, bit of a delay before this response. Ok, i have relamcrafter on my home pc, itd take some serious work to replicate meridian exactly however, but im sure its possible, especially with the source code being released soon (with pro). The hardest part would of course be the modelling, as i posses near enough no 3d modelling abilities.
if multiple ppl had it, can u work in a team style or would one computer have to work on one section, ect, then u combine seperatly
it appears that you would have to piece it together separatly. The good thing with replicating meridian is the simplicity of the graphics, for example the buildings are simply squares half the time, with different textures. This doesnt require alot of effort for a modeller at all, and an entire town could be modelled in minutes. For this reason i dont think itd take too long to at least model the landsacape. That is, if we knew any modellers. I can do very basic 3d Modelling (i previously did a 3d model of Cor Noth Clock tower which i lost some time ago) but sadly, i am very stretch for time these days.
ya same here, but i don't think it would be that hard...hardest part is all the scripts and shit...timers for quests , ect...and also the unique meridian style of building, were mana,hps and spells imp seperatly of each other instead of levels like 99% of every mmo out there
Hm cor noth clock tower, I got two models I got from someone, I dont remember who tho.
Krin19 - Meridian3D Project - RaGEZONE Forums

Krin19 - Meridian3D Project - RaGEZONE Forums
im up for it, i "aquired" realmcrafter lol, so Im gona test it out, see if its easy enough..then probibly going to buy it, as for like to keep the color thems the same but ya they could use some updating...mostly what I want to work on is getting the lvling system and maps in there...textures and small things can be changed later lol :p
im up for it, i "aquired" realmcrafter lol, so Im gona test it out, see if its easy enough..then probibly going to buy it, as for like to keep the color thems the same but ya they could use some updating...mostly what I want to work on is getting the lvling system and maps in there...textures and small things can be changed later lol :p

You should check out Multiverse, it is free.

Ahhh glad to see someone still has it lol. Yeah, thats the one i was refering to, it's still using the old textures for 2 reasons: A) I cant do textures and B) demonstartion purposes i wanted it to look as much like the original meridian as possible but from a 3d perspective. Sadly, i lost that model awhile back but it didnt take too long to make so i could always recreate it.

Also, the UI there is a default RC one, never got round to changing it.

My original intention was to create a 3d meridian that was near identicle to the original, except for obviously, in 3d. Once that was done we could start redoing textures, models and other features (such as the much needed ability to jump!)
Hey guys,

ive read this post with great interest, because i have thought almost the same. I was going to start a project like this, but now i think, it's better to support a existing project instead of developing my own. Someone said, that there will be Sourcecode available in the near future, sourcecode of Meridian? I have some programming skills in C++ and i know, that Meridian is written in C or C++. maybe you can need some help... i have also skills in Mapdesign and some small experience in Modelling... Maybe i can help converting the midis into MP3s, too... but the most important thing should be, that we get a structure in this projekt -> what should be done first, what is possible to do... Krin said, that it is better to get a complete function world of Meridian and after that doing remakes of textures and so on. I support Krins opinion -> we should go small steps... otherwise we will lose interest in this project caused by too many problems appearing by developing something else...


I'v done a small mindmap for our Projekt with free-mind, it's a free programm, if anoyone wants the programm and the mindmap to extend it, feel free to mail me under: [email protected] but first of it all, i think we should define some standards for our projekt, so that everyone who is integrated in the developing process is working on the same shit which will fit together.