Minutes to Midnight

May 2, 2004
Reaction score
New York City
This is the set title for the new Linkin Park Album scheduled to come out May 14th everywhere except the US where it come sout the 15th. The news is that it is suppsoedly going to sound compeltely different and be very diverse. The band and people who worked with them are saying that they're incredibly proud of it and think it may be one of the best they've made. So anyway heres a link to at least some info:
Minutes to Midnight (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

woot wiki! lol.

I know theres wide-range views on Linkin Park from people really hating them to really liking them. So anyway are people looking forward to this , not looking forward to it, dont care?

I personally am looking forward to it a lot. The realeased single "What I've Done" is pretty good imo. Big fan of LP too.
Wow. Could they copy anything else from Iron Maiden I wonder? Minutes To Midnight...that's straight from the Iron Maiden song, 2 Minutes To Midnight.

So sad, that they can't think of anything original...
The Doomsday Clock has been referenced by shitloads of people actually. read the wiki to see where they actually got the name. hate when epople accuse someone of copying something jsut ebcause its similair. they might've never even realized that iron maiden has a similiar song.