Mix Editor

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
In english

Well the question in simple.... somebody have one tutu about how to use mix editor? and one more question... one guy can post the npc manager here plss.... thxx..... sangur put one but it was corrupted.....



In Portuguese

Alguem ai tem um tutorial de como usar o mix editor... e tbm queria que alguem coloca-se ake o npc manager pra eu baixar pq o sangur coloco... mas tava bugado.... vlwww


its inside of gameserver/field or w/e


i had to figure it out on my own.....

lol all u do it type the .exe of ur server.

like KPTServerV2

with out the .exe

and the first like 103 mixes are proteted.

so go to like 104 and edit it
patricia pra vc usar o mix editor vc tem que fexar o servidor .... abra o seu mix editor, vc clika na parte que ta escrito load escreve o nome icone q vc usa para executar o seu servidor, por exe '4096.exe' ai vc escreve so '4096'..... ai ele vai ter 103 misturas.... vc clika na 104.... aperta write mix e faz a mistura ....depois write mix de novo e aperta save.... pronto ta feito....

Patricia for you use mix editor u need to close your server.... when you open your mix editor, up have 'load', click there and write the name of you gameserver.exe , exe here is '4096.exe', but dont put it... put only '4096'....so it open 103 mixs... you select the mix 104 and click in write mix.. make your mix, click in write and save, and know u can open your server
Post the npc manager plsss, sangerr post one, but it was corrupted... post here plss

Posta o npc manager eu to precisando e o cara sangerr posto mas ta bugado.... quem tiver posta akeee
i use kptserverV2.

i close my server.
i open mixeditor
i load kptserverV2.exe
i use mix200
i write and save
(mixeditor vreat kptserverV2.back) why?

i can't open my server
:scratch: error!!:scratch:

mixeditor don't run with kptserverV2 ?

plz help me