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Moderator Application - Habbo Hotel

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Feb 5, 2010
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My name's Manuel and I'm applying for the Habbo Hotel section. I'm 16 years old and I live in Venezuela( GMT - 4:30 ).

I've been in the section for almost 3 years now and I've pretty much learned how things go in the section. I have contributed to the scene with a couple of stuff like RevCMS and some other small releases and I've had fun overall.

I have been thinking about applying for some time now but this seems like the right time. I honestly feel the section is not a 'healthy' community. The section has always been filled with hate. That's my main focus and why I'm really applying, I want to change that. I want the section I once loved to become an actual community, where we all contribute and are not flamed for voicing our opinions and only actual constructive criticism is allowed.

I'm not going to deny I have been given infractions, but I hope that doesn't play a huge part in the decision - taking into account I do know the rules.

Thanks for reading,
- Kryptos.


I'll try and keep this short..

How would you stop a fight between two members?
I'd delete both of their posts and warn or infract ( Depends on how many warnings they have - I normally do 1 Warning - 1 Infraction ) both of them, then if I feel it's needed I'd post on the thread warning users about going off-topic/flaming.

How would you handle a thread in the wrong section?
Warn or infract the member and move the thread to its belonging section.

How would you handle posts with on-topic and off-topic in them?
I dislike these kind of posts, they have 2 'parts'. On topic one, and an off topic part which usually is just an insult to someone else or wanting to start a discussion/fight.

I'd edit the post, delete the off topic part and warn the member.

What is exactly your 'plan' to turn the section around?
The only thing you need is a moderator that actually cares about the section and not just their e-rep. Rules must be strictly followed, there must be no flaming. General discussion must be welcomed and supported, it's what makes a healthy community.

As of right now I can't think of a discussion in the section that hasn't included someone showing-off/being cocky and really providing anything for the discussion itself, or a pointless discussion from two years about who's better than who.
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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2009
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I vouch for manny the panty. Habbo section could use him in replace of Cobe. Anyways best of luck!
idk what to put here
Loyal Member
Oct 19, 2007
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I vouch for manny the panty. Habbo section could use him in replace of Cobe. Anyways best of luck!
You good bro? Cobe is one of the best moderators i have seen in that section. Manuel on the other hand, don't know about that one.. And I highly doubt your 16 bro, highly doubt it. Also you just quit on another forum, how do we know you're not gonna quit on this one...
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
You got my vouch. I've worked with you in the past, you would get the job done, and you're well known within the community.

Everyone makes mistakes, that's why we learn from them. Makarov, infraction count means nothing. Not everyone is perfect. For example, take a look at yours.
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
You got my vouch. I've worked with you in the past, you would get the job done, and you're well known within the community.

Everyone makes mistakes, that's why we learn from them. Makarov, infraction count means nothing. Not everyone is perfect. For example, take a look at yours.

You just had to delete a post of his maybe an hour ago.. Yet you're still trying to protect him? Funny.
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
You just had to delete a post of his maybe an hour ago.. Yet you're still trying to protect him? Funny.

As a moderator I promise to never take an attitude such as this one - creating pointless discussions, much less with another moderator or a higher rank.

You good bro? Cobe is one of the best moderators i have seen in that section. Manuel on the other hand, don't know about that one.. And I highly doubt your 16 bro, highly doubt it. Also you just quit on another forum, how do we know you're not gonna quit on this one...

If I just resigned another forum to apply for this one isn't that a good sign? I left a position just for the chance of maybe getting picked here?

You can judge my age however you like from some video from a couple of years ago in a language I struggled with, just don't do it here. If you're gonna post at least have the decency of making a valid point.
Dec 30, 2010
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1.As a moderator I promise to never take an attitude such as this one - creating pointless discussions, much less with another moderator or a higher rank.


If I just resigned another forum to apply for this one isn't that a good sign? I left a position just for the chance of maybe getting picked here?

You can judge my age however you like from some video from a couple of years ago in a language I struggled with, just don't do it here. If you're gonna post at least have the decency of making a valid point.

1. I am confused, Makarov is a moderator of the section you are applying for, yet he can't question Sean as to why he's vouching for you?

2. It doesn't necessarily show that you quit there, just so you can get a job here. For a first, you were never assured a position here as a moderator so the fact that you resigned on the "other" forums as a moderator (Which forums are we talking about?! I don' thabbo lul) doesn't show that you quit that forum, for this one. It simply shows you jumping from one forum, to another which is not always a good sign. You must either be super confident in yourself, or you're lying.

The amount of Infractions does somewhat reflect the sort of person you are. As a moderator, he/she is expected to follow the rules thoroughly and not half-butt the job. However, someone with a heavy amount of Infractions doesn't really seem like the ideal person for the job. The rules were set there in place, if you knew the rules you would've followed them, if you purposely didn't follow them then you're obviously not the person for the job.
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Hey thanks for your reply. I'll reply to your post in pieces.

1. I am confused, Makarov is a moderator of the section you are applying for, yet he can't question Sean as to why he's vouching for you?

Pretty sure he was just trying to turn this thread into a discussion with his drama, and him being a moderator of the section I'm applying for has nothing to do with anything.

2. It doesn't necessarily show that you quit there, just so you can get a job here. For a first, you were never assured a position here as a moderator so the fact that you resigned on the "other" forums as a moderator (Which forums are we talking about?! I don' thabbo lul) doesn't show that you quit that forum, for this one. It simply shows you jumping from one forum, to another which is not always a good sign. You must either be super confident in yourself, or you're lying.

Well this block of text doesn't make much sense to me.. So I'll just ignore it, don't feel it has much importance.

The amount of Infractions does somewhat reflect the sort of person you are. As a moderator, he/she is expected to follow the rules thoroughly and not half-butt the job.

I do agree with you on that, but if you could check the infraction pages of current moderators, you'd be surprised. :)


Thanks for the reply though :)
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
As a moderator I promise to never take an attitude such as this one - creating pointless discussions, much less with another moderator or a higher rank.

If I just resigned another forum to apply for this one isn't that a good sign? I left a position just for the chance of maybe getting picked here?

You can judge my age however you like from some video from a couple of years ago in a language I struggled with, just don't do it here. If you're gonna post at least have the decency of making a valid point.
It has nothing to do whether you're a moderator, or not. You should always have the same attitude. We're on a forum, where 10 year-old's might be, as they can/will not do anything against. I do not have any clue, which "attitude" you have been using, so to speak.
Nonetheless, I vouch for you.
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Hey thanks for your reply. I'll reply to your post in pieces.

Pretty sure he was just trying to turn this thread into a discussion with his drama, and him being a moderator of the section I'm applying for has nothing to do with anything.

Him being a moderator has to do with everything. If someone that is a moderator is part of the team, and you all have beef then there's obviously going to be issues. More over so, you all need to work together and of course a moderator of the section originally has to be able to work with the new moderator if they want the section to prosper.

Well this block of text doesn't make much sense to me.. So I'll just ignore it, don't feel it has much importance.

Quite simply, It is not a good thing that you jumped from the other forums, to these forums. You claim "If I just resigned another forum to apply for this one isn't that a good sign? I left a position just for the chance of maybe getting picked here?" , but there is no evidence or proof that supports the fact that you quit the other forums, JUST to apply on RaGEZONE. All it simply seems like is you, jumping from one forum to another forum to get a moderator position at . More over so, it sounds like you're simply pulling it out of your butt to cover things up. but that is my personal opinion.

I do agree with you on that, but feel free to check the infraction pages of current moderators, you'll be surprised. :)

I can't check infractions that moderators have given the users. Nor do I really care about the Habbo Section in general.
Dec 11, 2010
Reaction score
Vouch for my man Manny. We always get along, known each other for ages, and you're a nice guy. And you know how to make the right choices.
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
He asked me to delete it. Is that something staff aren't allowed to do?

Well let's look into this problem a bit deeper then..

  1. It was an award thread so he had no business posting anything other than a vote.
  2. His vote wasn't even on topic: Congrats but then we're out of good unbaised moderators :(
  3. The time from when he posted and when you deleted is pretty short, so I don't believe he would post a message and then 2 minutes later, ask you to remove it.
  4. He could've removed the post himself.. Since he's applying as a moderator he should've known that.
  5. He should've also known he was breaking a rule before posting, showing him unfit for the position.

A little extra..

For anyone who truely wants to get to know him, He stalked to my facebook page, found a picture of me when I was 14 years of age and now he flaunts it as his avatar. Do you really want a stalker like that as a moderator?

I could keep going on with all the problems he possesses but I'll stop here..
The one and only!
Loyal Member
Nov 24, 2008
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YES GOOD BOY KRYPTOS, you are the best man for the job and YEEEEEEAH. Sounds sarcastic but I was happy to see this application. Good luck, and hopefully you will be accepted. You have contributed a lot to Habbo dev with RevCMS.

@Makarov - You have a bad history of infractions yourself? I remember you telling me. So you shouldn't criticise someone based on that :)
Experienced Elementalist
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Ah hello Kryptos =) Definite vouch for you, I've seen you around as a moderator on another forum and you do a pretty good job. Not gonna lie though, wasn't expecting you to apply on RZ ^-^
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
It was sad to see you leave the other forum but despite the fact that you have tons of infractions on here, whilst you were moderator on the other forum you were professional and did keep everything in order in the sections you moderated. So, vouch from me. Didn't even cross my mind that you left the other forum to attempt to get a place here. If that was your intetion, it's kind of disappointing (for me because I liked you as a moderator on the other forum).

Nevertheless, good-luck on the position.
Junior Spellweaver
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
You got my vote, i think you would be a good mod in Habbo section.
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
YES GOOD BOY KRYPTOS, you are the best man for the job and YEEEEEEAH. Sounds sarcastic but I was happy to see this application. Good luck, and hopefully you will be accepted. You have contributed a lot to Habbo dev with RevCMS.

I honestly wasn't expecting a post from you, but glad to see you did. Thanks :)

It was sad to see you leave the other forum but despite the fact that you have tons of infractions on here, whilst you were moderator on the other forum you were professional and did keep everything in order in the sections you moderated. So, vouch from me. Didn't even cross my mind that you left the other forum to attempt to get a place here. If that was your intetion, it's kind of disappointing (for me because I liked you as a moderator on the other forum).

Nevertheless, good-luck on the position.

I didn't left the other forum to get a chance here, I just thought I'd move on to other things. Thanks for those nice words.

Ah hello Kryptos =) Definite vouch for you, I've seen you around as a moderator on another forum and you do a pretty good job. Not gonna lie though, wasn't expecting you to apply on RZ ^-^

Haha thanks, I had been thinking about it for a while just never said it publicly.

You got my vote, i think you would be a good mod in Habbo section.

Thanks :)
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