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Moderator application - Journey to the West

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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
My name's on the left. I have a birthday every year on 23rd January, and you can contact me on msn at crypticus@hotmail.sg or PM on RageZone.

I'm currently in Singapore (GMT+8), no infractions so far and well, if you like reading conventional resumes, have a look at 0x61's (ideas are about the same).

Some people may tell you that I have 0 contributions. It depends on how you define "contributions":
I believe a good list speaks for itself:
Use AppLocale

Hint to GlobalStrings.lua

Enlightened people to the beauty of source code

Helped out with a proper translation

First push for a section so far by yours truly

Also, justification for a section on top

Gave evidence why source code is future-proofed for Windows 8

Some tips on how to compile the source properly

Shared some of my progress and more compilation tips

Gave a few reasons on who to trust, and who not to

Gave a few examples on how to differentiate the good programmers

Helped out with running the v54 client

Condemned rebirth system, and gave justifications why

Also explained why good developers are leaving RageZone

Same as above: why good developers are leaving RageZone

Fixed database scripts for source code development

Further elaboration on the developer flag mentioned by pushedx

Explained what doesn't compile, and why I'm not so interested in "tools"

Offered suggestions for problems with Lua scripts

Reminded people to use AppLocale

Told kiddo how to make a rehash of PackUI properly

Detailed explanation on how he made the bloated tool (1mb+ vs my 289kb)

Made my lightweight version available to real developers

Gave kiddo a tip on how to make his v1 tool that unpacks UENI.ueni

Told kiddo straight up, that using Visual Basic is not intelligent

Reminded kiddo that QQXY =/= Loong

Explained the benefits of source code as opposed to compiled binaries

Explained why DirectX 9 =/= DirectX 11

Gave kiddo a pep talk on reality

Gave a detailed update of the files' working condition

Explaination on making an example out of trolls

Explaination on consequences of ignoring trolls

Explaination on when the importance of profit supersedes the provision of entertainment

Helped with the name of the section itself

On top of all that, I give sound advice

Don't worry, that was the last one :p:
I don't believe in persuading/making up with people until all their doubts have been cleared up, upon which, peace.
Whether or not I'll need to do my best... it's up to you to decide, MentaL :laugh:
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
wtf how are u gonna make a thread not an apply and say to us look at someone else apply for yours??? i garantee auto deny.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Basically all the information you need is right there.

Other things like hobbies, interests, CCA records, school grades...
I don't believe in any of them. If you feel it's auto-deny, did you even peek into the spoiler? :tongue:

#also, I'm highly anti-establishment.
It's kind of the reason why I quit from my job in the mainstream. So if it's the same way here as well, I don't mind being rejected.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2009
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A proper application looks like this.
Good luck though.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Then again, a proper application rarely has a list that long - they need fillers.

Anyway, thanks for the support :blush:
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
You've been here what? At the most a month.. I think you would need some more experience with the forums (unless.. you have other accounts? Not sure)..

But however, good luck!
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Actually, I've been lurking around on RageZone since 2008; registration date is irrelevant:

Some people register just for fun.
Some people register just to leech some files.
Some people register because their friends registered.

I've observed how over the years developers got swamped with script kiddies all over the place
(and the anti-script kiddy traps they put in code to counter it, which don't work on trolls).

So I'd like to help them out with the trolling issue, so that developers can develop without having to explain why they're not anti-Semitic, for example.
And yes, that's actually something that's been thrown out recently on the thread before we had a section (in fact, the target was MentaL).

Thanks for the concern and support!

#also: I have the odd feeling an invisible person is reading this thread :p:
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score


Crypticus was helpfull on QQXY section. We couldn't find a better mod. See the thread.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
are you F***ing kiding me ? , you want to be a mod but you still talk like a stick - "Kiddo" lol get a life! , and yea you just post all your poop here and call it contributions , none of the crap you put there is helpfull! NONE! , maybe for yourself and thats it!
anyway this application looking cheap! , its clearly you got 0 moderating experience , if it was me ? HUGE DENY!

did a mantion that sanders and a few more are licking you all the way ?
thats why we cant take them as a fair voice.

- and hell no i dont want to be mod , but i'am really thinking some one that have more experience and really contruibue should get that.

pushedx for example

and you are Cocky and arrogant we dont need people like you!
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
are you F***ing kiding me ? , you want to be a mod but you still talk like a stick - "Kiddo" lol get a life! , and yea you just post all your poop here and call it contributions , none of the crap you put there is helpfull! NONE! , maybe for yourself and thats it!
anyway this application looking cheap! , its clearly you got 0 moderating experience , if it was me ? HUGE DENY!

:closedeyes: ARE YOU F***ING GONNA READ THE F***ING RULES? You have broke them all! Don't you tell me that you want to be a mod.

isradev said:
did a mantion that sanders and a few more are licking you all the way ?
thats why we cant take them as a fair voice.

- and hell no i dont want to be mod , but i'am really thinking some one that have more experience and really contruibue should get that.

pushedx for example

and you are Cocky and arrogant we dont need people like you!

Well people's opinion are different. It's not Crypticus that we don't need people like him, It's you. You have been Infraction Banned, and still breaking the rules, EVEN MADE A NEW ACCOUNT AFTER GOT A BAN!

Insulting, Harrasing, Using foul language in almost all your posts, want more on the list? My advice: Log out, do whatever you were doing before aknowledging that there is a community called ragezone, and never come back, except if you can do more than you do now.
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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
:closedeyes: ARE YOU F***ING GONNA READ THE F***ING RULES? You have broke them all! Don't you tell me that you want to be a mod.
Just ignore it sanders, he shouldn't even have an account, let stand posting here.

Anways, you got my support on this man! I truly hope you will get accepted!

Good luck :D
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Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
After his massive off-topic, and calling ragezone users as "kids" and "idiots", -1 from me ..

In the section he can be very useful, but he don't deserve a moderator status and privilegies
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
This; is just one reason why I won't endorse you.
I was willing to let bygones be bygones, but you couldn't bury the hatchet, could you? :glare:
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
After his massive off-topic, and calling ragezone users as "kids" and "idiots", -1 from me ..

In the section he can be very useful, but he don't deserve a moderator status and privilegies

:closedeyes: tanomist, please, he was reffering to naty as a kid, If you can't understand it, please read the whole thread again, but i think we should get over this. Now if you still think naty could do it better, i have nothing with you, but, please, leave crypticus.
We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Seeing some weird feedback in this thread. Not really looking to "great"

Also fix your application...
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Seeing some weird feedback in this thread. Not really looking to "great"

Also fix your application...

what's wrong with his application? everyone has his own style of writing... :)
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Well... the original thread didn't look "great" either. Have a good chat with Mental, Dell. After all, he did most of the cleaning :laugh:

As for the application... that's the beauty of it :huh:
I'm not desperate for the job of wielding a ban-hammer; my main motivation is helping the community.
If I can only make an awesome resume, but do an awful job; I wouldn't apply in the first case!
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