
apparently the habbo section is gonna be worse than mu, so would you rather have them surge throughout the entire forum, or have them kept in check by a number of new mods?

Hes a hawt female o.o!
Yeah I got that... But 55 posts is a bit too enthusiastic if you ask me.

Since I'm the one who chose him, I think its fair if I give an explanation, so here it comes :tongue:

The habbo hotel section is for Habbo Hotel players. Sounds obvious enough. However, most of those are 12 ~ 15 years old due to the game being rather childish. This has as a result that on one side there is a strong need for mods, and on the other hand a very, very small amount of people that qualify. I have searched trough a few dozen threads to people who showed a good grasp of the english language as well as being friendly and understanding to noobs. This lowered the amount of possible candidates to about 4 in the entire section. Though leestrong7 and 41D4N did not have many posts, they did seem to be excelent mod material, which in the end is what counts. In fact, I was slightly surprised that users so new showed so much understanding and helpfullness, more so then a lot of users with thousends of posts.

All in all I can only say that I have a good feeling about them and that I am sure they will not let me down. A few accidents like moving spam into spamzilla should be taken for granted :wink: