Monster's Drop

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 23, 2007
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Hi there, i was wondering where can i find Monster's drop list?
like editing how much money this monster will drop, what kind of items it will and so
i searched a lot of places but i didn't find.
i was thinking of making Easter Bunny drop Easter Egg so it will be a event, i already setted the bunny spawn points :fish2:

Well, no one answered so i found it must be in drop_data, but i dont understand it
the itemids are too long to be items :/
i only understanded that the id is the monster that will drop it

think that im wrong. :/
if theres anyone that know about it please answer.
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Give people a chance to answer. You only posted a little over 2 hours for the initial question.

People who work on these are all over the world, so lots of different timezones.
OK your right with the drop_list this is the place you edit what is dropped.

If you edit in your SQL editor you can change the values.

I have played with this but I dont have my data base infront of me so I apologise for being vague!

You have two rows with long strings of numbers eg: 2|12446|12663 and 2|50000|50000
The first set are the item you want to drop (BTW these numbers here are wrong please addin numbers from your GM commands.xls list!

The second set of numbers are the possibility of the drops, your possibility! has to add up to 100,000 total so if you have 3 items that you want to drop equaly you can set the .... to 33,333 for each!

You also have to tell it ho many items you have in the list so you have to have the number of items in this case 2.

The spawning im workin on at the moment, I have not been able to find out how to spawn mobs in an area! I think that you will have to change more than is in the SQL listings! but in still working on it.

The reson that I'm doing this is that I wanted to set a new mob in game to drop the books that are normally dropped from the Ghosts!!! XD
Don't double post, especially only two hours after your post. Don't do it again.
Well sorry about the double post.
about the drop list, how do i find the monster that i want to edit?
if its candle ghost to i search in the data_drops id 251? or theres someplace that attached to it?
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