Newbie Spellweaver
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- Apr 24, 2005
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Here's another sig from my spare time. All comments are appreciated. Thanks!

Well, The colors i belive are quite "merky" they supress the true fealings of the artists intentions for the charter of the work, althogh he can be well viewd i dont notice the full meaning of the artists character.
He seems to be smileing, but not a smile of joy, a smile of torment, as if to say "i have higher ground over you" the smerk if you like, has such a true fealing to it. as does the characters flowing crisp white hair, it is as if he is flying but not. his ripped clothes may be showing that the artists character is living i poverty, and cannot dress to his full extent, i beleve thus is when his dreams come into play, the character may be able to doze and dream about his future problems, or maybe even his accomplishments he wishes to achieve.
The writeing that is shown also has an exploited meaning. the capitals could mean the artist is angry or fed up with life. the lowercase "bowsman" text is verry calming, conflicting with the text aove it. causeing the peice to be extremely complicated yet easy to love and enjoy. the renders and opacity leveles are extremely 'high class' as i can barely view the 6th layer of the peice. although it can be made out, it should be though about much more carefully next time when createing a peice of work so delicate and beautiful like this one.
Upon asessing this picture i beleve it would be a safe yet thoughtful rateing of
You will go on to greater work, i assure you of this. now is just the begining of your journy.