Most annoying things

Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester UK
What little things annoy you mine would be

in r/l

1) When some1 watchs an analog channel (BBC1/2/Ch3/4/5 etc.. in england) on sky / cable when theres no need ! taking up other channels!! lol
2) Dogs that put there nose like nearly on ur plate when ur tryin to eat lol
3) People who think cracking there knuckles is annoying lol it has to be done some people cant help it e.g meee lol

whats the little things that annoy you in r/l (so i can make note and exploit them :p)
1. Dan banning my ass
2. Conversation between girls
3. Sipher's bragging *LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
4. Bums on street asking for money
5. People that showoff their goods and say how expensive it was and how it got imported
6. Mosquitos
7. Next door insane elderly neighbor ringing doorbell for constant favors
lol .. yea pointing at thier wrist when asking for watch... i dont point at my crotch when i need to piss..


white people who act like thugs
1. People that talk with their hands.
2. White people acting black.
3. People in cars with turned up shitty music.
4. penny for the guy beggers.
5. People that come into your room and like to touch and ask about everything
6. People that want to know what you had for your dinner last night.
7. jahover witnesses
8. People that knock on the glass of your door with their key just to make a loud "CLING" noise.
9. Inbreeds
Dante2894 said:
1. People that talk with their hands.
2. White people acting black.
3. People in cars with turned up shitty music.
4. penny for the guy beggers.
5. People that come into your room and like to touch and ask about everything
6. People that want to know what you had for your dinner last night.
7. jahover witnesses
8. People that knock on the glass of your door with their key just to make a loud "CLING" noise.
9. Inbreeds

i sense anger :P i have music loud in car lol >< (dont hit me)
1. Little bastard kids who smoke and stuff I feel like getting a baseball bat and launching it up there rectum

2. Townies cuz they're too fucking cocky some of em.

3. ppl who think there really good dancers and rly just are total fucking jock straps

4. Drunk ppl who think there rock ard and will stand in your way for no reason

5. Drunk bitches who are like "fuck sake.. move I well good" FUCK OFF

6. Girls who think they are too good for people and go out with older men, Really fucking pisses me off.

7. Shit "MC'ing" music, sorry but its fucking shite "Biddy BiddyBiddyBiddy you know the score suck off a tranny on the dance floor" Its not music its fucking annoying sounds

8. Ppl who think there great at every sport because there good at one sport

9. Tarts, you hear them talking on bus and they sound like men "Yeah I fucking shagged this bloke when I was wasted last weekend"

10. Puff boys, strut around with there blonde streaks and small mullets and shite fashion like a t shirt that looks like its been thru a shredder.

11. People who hang about in gangs and think there well ard.

12. Dickehad bus drivers

13. Ppl who change there attitude with you when they find out youve got a new job or a new bird got a car or somthin

14. Ugly Bitches who think there better than everyone else

15. 2 faced people

All I can think of right now

16. Deffo Spoilet Kids like my nephew the little shit, fucking pisses me off.

17. People who take music far too serious, like big ass goths, moshers and ppl who listen to rap going "Ima pop a cap in the nigga" and actually mean it.. -.-
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when my pc doesnt work
when i get prank called by girls HATE IT
when girls play tricks on me by kissin
when sumffin goes wrong
1) when someones house alarms goes off

2) people making annoying animal noises down ur ear

3) POSERS oh god i just wanna punch them

4) GREBO's omg they take dance out of proportion

5) Having a brother and a sister

6) People think they are better then people

i think thats about it but depends on my mood when im angry everything is annoying uniform grrr why the fuck shud i have to where a suit when girls can were t shirts...shit crack tbh.
2.When ya have lil gag going n then sum1 starts impersinating ya, not only stealing the gag but ruining it.
3.Fuckin kids who think there class cos or 'so n so's my cousin im gunna get him to batter ya' go on then ya fuckin lil smack rat!
4. Smack eds pesterin me for change...True story.....Smack ed: got any change nah soz m8 only got a 10 note......Smack ed: ahh thats aight i can change that......Me: eh...nor
5.DVD i bought from work of kill bill 2 good copy upto the last 15 minutes where it freezes...still aint seen the end he was sposed to gimmi a copy back 3 weeks ago.
6. Stupid bitches on msn adding me n claim i added them
7. People slaggin of me music (tupac n pretty much everyone in college) its my music and i like it :)

ahhhhh and *breath*
STEELY said:
5.DVD i bought from work of kill bill 2 good copy upto the last 15 minutes where it freezes...still aint seen the end he was sposed to gimmi a copy back 3 weeks ago.
shitty movie tbh, first was much better.

anyways i'm not going to write a list, it's too long to be written :X