MSN display name colors

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Loyal Member
Mar 28, 2006
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x Infinity +1
Anyone know a code or a way to make the display name in MSN Messenger a color without using MSN Plus? Also kind of what a word in my display name to be small font size then the rest, anyone know how to do that with/without Msn Plus.

Probably not, but wanted to ask. The only MSN one I found was this: *unicef (type that into your msn name).
You need MSN Plus!
And if you want to change your nick just write /nick <press ctrl+k (for color)> and your nick

·#·$4 ||яυffу||_и| ·$12a.k.a ·$4χєρтσχ·$12*·0 <---- (I have MSN 7.5) and so it looks when you look under Tools -> Options (on MSN 8.0 mayber a lil bit different)

ADD: withoug MSN+ it isnt possible... ^^
Yeah I know those codes, and I have MSN +. Just didn't know if normal there was anyway.

What about the small font size in display name? Or something to make it look smaller..
GET MSN PLUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I have a word in my display name is smaller font :(
You're an idiot sometimes!. MSN+ has been renamed to WLM+, I run it with latest version.

MSN = only windows product that is ownage :p.

i know theyre the same, i just call it msn plus cus thats where it shud stay. i like to see noobs try to own me with msn + sounds but wen they dont work they cry