msql prob =/

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Hi i have looked thru the search options and checkd alot of posts but i cant find one that helps with my problem..

I have the PRAGEBC which does not require msql. The problem is i cant get the MDH to work with it keeps saying i have database errors and to check that msql is configured to allow remoted connection

I have looked thru the PHPADMIN that came with the pack and it doesn't seem to have any option for remote connect or anything in there for msql

The server works I can connect fine make charcters import npcs, weapons etc ppl can connect but i just cant get mdh to work so i can't update the files and edit the monsters etc (all the good stuff mdh does so easy)

Is this a problem with MDH or do i need to install a new msql?? since my old one was a trial it died and im too cheap to buy one which i might have to do i guess =/

I hope my question was clear and hopefuly someone out there has had this problem also and can help thanks alot for ur time, sorry if i postd this in the wrong section if i did can an admin pls move it to wheer someone can help me thx again keep up the awesome work ^^