MSSQL connection

I don't think a direct connection from another server is possible because of security reasons.. If it is possible it will be tough to put it togheter.

I got the same "problem", this is what im going to try:
The PHP site on my different server sends the information to a PHP site(script) on the server with the database and that site puts the information into the database. I don't know how possible this is but it sounds logic to me, i've sended an email to a guy i know and now im waiting for the explanation about whats the smarters thing to do.
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The express edition, dont listen at external IP, at the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration you can change the setting, i made the settigns to listen to TCP/IP locale and external, but at the top there was an messega that Express dont accept external connections. But Enterprise, Workgroup can.

So downloading Enterprice now.
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