Mu ha ha! Back Again!

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score

Considering all the points you guys made, I worked on this other one.

havent completed it yet. But just wanted to ask you people If am going right or go back a few steps and change something..

This is the sig after I finished work on the back ground and added in the Venom and the Spikes Render
iNs@nE - Mu ha ha! Back Again! - RaGEZONE Forums

This is after I added in a lil of that green touch to make it look toxic
iNs@nE - Mu ha ha! Back Again! - RaGEZONE Forums

Waiting for comments! This time please dont take a week to answer and then burst them all on me at once. :D


Hey dude, I was thinking of adding in some light behind Venom - you know to llook like a burst effect. Should I or settle down with this?
I like it, but whats with the right thingie it distracts the whole signature. I just doesnt fit in.

Oh and a nice effect is:

shift+ctrl+alt+n = new layer
and then
shift+ctrl+alt+e = stam visible
and then
shift+ctrl+u = desturate
right click on the layer and play with the blending options
You mean the spikes? Well Actually they looked good when the Venom render wasnt there. Just the back ground and the text. Then it became a part of the background. You sure it aint matching? Without that the right side of the sig is becoming too blank.

I'll give a shot to that effect you posted.
that last one was the best yet, however i would chop off that stray...whatever on the left. Text is adequate however the border needs to be altered is it an inner glow or something? get rid of it and give it a 1 pixel border.

I think adding more lighting other than whats already there would be pointless and would just over expose the sig.
Hmm. Yeah. The border is an inner shadow. The normal border doesnt show up as the actual background is pretty dark. Will try to get it done though...

You said chop off the stray? (on the left) didnt get you there. YOu meant the spikes behind the name on the right?
no i mean venoms little way word curl of web or something on the left of him. it curls up over his head, i just think it ruins that half of the sig

I like that.. I dont like the thing on the right side O.o
Grr Guys. Please decide over it and let me know. Should I remove the one on the right side or the one on the left side?

If you'd ask me. I like the one on the left. Kinda gives Venom the powerful look and is there any other effect I could add on to make the sig look better.

Its currently dark to fit in with my ID or should I start working on one with a Bright Background?
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