MuCore 1.0.8- Sql2008 On Windows7 Ultimate+ TT 11.11.82GS

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Experienced Elementalist
Sep 25, 2012
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Hello all! Question is i just install new windows 7 ultimate + SQL 2008 R2 No problem in sql instaling proces! Problem is starting after i restore database,and tray install mucore 1.0.8 website,on step 2 i alweys got problem my mucore cant connect with muonline database [Connection with MuOnline Database Failed - Fix this] SQL paswors is corect Conection Tipe MSSQL every think like before when i use winserver 2003 and sql 2000 its work normal! But now im cant install it. UAC is deactivated,i need creat ACC but titans editor to wont work alweys show accaunt created but when i tray finde it it dont exist! Something with SQL server wrong? or i dont know first time i see something like this!



  • Ragezon - MuCore 1.0.8- Sql2008 On Windows7 Ultimate+ TT 11.11.82GS - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: [Help]MuCore 1.0.8- Sql2008 On Windows7 Ultimate+ TT 11.11.82GS

try to put WindowsUser/SQLEXPRESS in the place of MSSQL ...
go to you sql manager and copy the Server Name from the Login and put it in the place of MSSQL...
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Re: [Help]MuCore 1.0.8- Sql2008 On Windows7 Ultimate+ TT 11.11.82GS

try to put WindowsUser/SQLEXPRESS in the place of MSSQL ...
go to you sql manager and copy the Server Name from the Login and put it in the place of MSSQL...

I repleace it with username and i can past this step but in next 3 step again stuck!

whay SQL 2008 dont like Mucore ! Im realy stuck!
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Problem Fixed :D Format HDD and reinstall windows now every think works fine no erors! Close topic!
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Hello all! Question is i just install new windows 7 ultimate + SQL 2008 R2 No problem in sql instaling proces! Problem is starting after i restore database,and tray install mucore 1.0.8 website,on step 2 i alweys got problem my mucore cant connect with muonline database [Connection with MuOnline Database Failed - Fix this] SQL paswors is corect Conection Tipe MSSQL every think like before when i use winserver 2003 and sql 2000 its work normal! But now im cant install it. UAC is deactivated,i need creat ACC but titans editor to wont work alweys show accaunt created but when i tray finde it it dont exist! Something with SQL server wrong? or i dont know first time i see something like this!

change you connection type MSSQL TO ODBC
$core['server_use_2_db'] = "0";


| MUCore SQL Connection Type: |
| |
| MSSQL : Connect using mssql_conect() |
| ODBC : Connect using odbc |

$core['connection_type'] = "ODBC";
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