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Multiple fieldTypes? WZ 

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 27, 2016
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So I was trying to add a "Luminous" type of every JQ we have (the black circle limiting your view), but then I stumbled upon the Rescue Gaga JQ.
So first I added the fieldType=9 which makes it limited view, and I was happy thinking it was a success!
F5Sfhvw - Multiple fieldTypes? - RaGEZONE Forums

Thinking it was a success, I thought why not test it out? Boy were my dreams broken.
QIt5Yj - Multiple fieldTypes? - RaGEZONE Forums
So I was wondering why don't the jumping parts work? I literally copy/pasted everything from the original map into a new map, so all the portals are exactly the same and should technically work. So I tried changing the fieldType to the default 20, and low and behold, the springs worked again. However, this meant that I had to remove the view limit. So then I thought to myself, maybe if I were to add both fieldType=9 and fieldType=20, it would work? Seems logical perhaps?
rplE2l - Multiple fieldTypes? - RaGEZONE Forums

Obviously it didn't work. Maybe Maple doesn't work like that, it just doesn't check for more than 1 fieldType. So I'm wondering if there's any way for me to have both the springs working, and have a limited field view? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.


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Skilled Illusionist
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
I think FieldType = 20 tells the field is for SPACEGAGA, so you can't change it.

So I recommend you use a debuff of MobSkill 136 (Fear) to narrow view-range.
(It uses Effect/MapEff.img/Viewrange/3 instead of Effect/MapEff.img/Viewrange/1 though.)
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