Mummified man found in front of TV, still on

probly commit suicide or he is alone and has decease and he died.

no one knows
Dead for a whole year?
Televison Still On? Find it Bull tbh Lol someone must have fount out before that.
Dead for a whole year?
Televison Still On? Find it Bull tbh Lol someone must have fount out before that.
Wouldn't your electricity get shut of if you don't pay the bills?

Not necessarily. Some states (and even cities) have laws that ensure people keep their electricity, especially in areas where it gets very cold or very hot (or both). There are ways around paying, but "they" get you in the end....

or the electric company didn't care/notice. Who knows? Maybe he paid for a year. Maybe he stoles it. Maybe I stoles it.

Anyway, strange story, but not unbelievable, people die in some crazy ways.