My 3rd Siggy~ ><

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Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
I've got a feeling my first one was nicer
Anyway.. Give comments on how to improve ><
My first is in my sig
Tell me which is the nicest XD
This is my 2nd
Xerixe - My 3rd Siggy~ >< - RaGEZONE Forums

Here's my 3rd
Xerixe - My 3rd Siggy~ >< - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: My 2nd Siggy o0

It looks like you just put a render on a background and then blurred the background a bit. Then add text. Follow a tutorial.
Re: My 2nd Siggy o0

There isn't really much difference with FMK's Cs2 and Cs3, except FMK has a little apple in the corner. (:
He's using mac you idiot... Now the difference between CS2 and CS3 is that CS3 has more options (filters and stuff), better image quality, can handle larger image files, no imageready but a built in animation tool, certain things are placed elsewhere, different logo and different style. There's probably more but I can't remember really.

Anyways, I guess it's okay but more needs to be added as it seems quite empty.
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